ISBN-13: 9789058093530 / Angielski / Twarda / 2002 / 532 str.
ISBN-13: 9789058093530 / Angielski / Twarda / 2002 / 532 str.
The proceedings in this work present 60 papers on mine and mill tailings and mine waste, as well as current and future issues facing the mining and environmental communities. This includes matters dealing with technical capabilities and developmen...
The proceedings in this work present 60 papers on mine and mill tailings and mine waste, as well as current and future issues facing the mining and environmental communities. This includes matters dealing with technical capabilities and developments, regulations, and environmental concerns.
Preface -- Organizing Committee -- Rocky Mountain Regional Hazardous Substance Research Center -- Remediation of mine waste sites through the Rocky Mountain Regional Hazardous Substance Research Center (RMRHSRC) /C.D.Shackelford, S.L. Woods & D.L. Macalady -- Mining and the environment: The issues that steer the Regional Hazardous Substance Research Center /T.R. Wildeman & C.D. Shackelford -- Redox transformations, complexation and soil /sediment interactions of inorganic forms of As and Se in aquatic environments: Effects of natural organic matter /D.L.Macalady, D. Ahmann, J. Westall, J. Garbarino & J. Meyer -- Fate and transport of metals and sediment in surface waters /P.Y. Julien, B.P. Bledsoe & C.H. Watson -- Metal removal capabilities of passive bioreactor systems: Effects of organic matter and microbial population dynamics /L. Figueroa, D. Ahmann, D. Blowes, K. Carlson, C. Shackelford, S. Woods, N. DuTeau, K. Reardon & T. Wildeman -- Evaluating recovery of stream ecosystems from mining pollution: Integrating biochemical, population, community and ecosystem indicators /W.H. Clements & J. Ranville -- Site characterization -- Abandoned quarries surveying /G. Bonifazi, L. Cutaia, P. Massacci & I. Roselli -- The effectiveness of single and multiple open standpipe piezometers in monitoring of the pore pressure regime in tailings dams /G.J.R. le Roux -- Monitoring of soil, air, water, and noise at the Lega Dembi Gold Mine /Y. Binega -- Variations in composition on SA gold tailings dams /N.J. Vermeulen, E. Rust & C.R.I. Clayton -- Preliminary ecological risk assessment for the Elizabeth Mine site, South Strafford, Vermont /I. Linkov, S. Foster, E. Hathaway & R. Sugatt -- Impact of acid rock drainage in a discrete catchment area of the former uranium mining site of Ronneburg (Germany) /J. W. Geletneky, G. Buchel & M. Paul -- Hydrochemical investigation at the uranium tailings “Schneckenstein” (Germany) /T. Naamoun -- Design, operation, and disposal -- Tailings beach slope forecasting - copper tailings /M. Pinto & S. Barrera Quebrada -- Honda tailing storage facility conception, design, construction, and operation, Southern Peru Copper Corporation, Tacna, Peru /A.H. Gipson, Jr. & H. Walqui Fernandez -- Retrofitting an HDPE-lined raise over an unlined tailing facility /A.H. Gipson, H.P. Vos, W.J. Cole & S.R. Aiken -- Geotechnical considerations -- Advanced laboratory compression tests and piezocone measurements for evaluation of time-dependent consolidation of fine tailings /U. Bamekow, M. Paul &A.T. Jakubick -- Prediction of the desiccation and sedimentation behavior of a typical platinum tailings /J.C.J. Boshoff -- Paste technology -- Planning, design and implementation strategy for thickened tailings and pastes /F. Sofra & D. V. Boger -- Effects of settlement and drainage on strength development within mine paste backfill /T. Belem, M. Benzaazoua, B. Bussiere & A.M. Dagenais -- Use of copper mine tailings as paste backfill material in mining operations - Approach to minimise land occupation? /S. Moellerherm & P.N. Martens -- Pumping paste with a modified centrifugal pump /A.Sellgren & L. Whitlock -- Liners, covers, and barriers -- Construction and instrumentation of waste rock test covers at Whistle Mine, Ontario, Canada /B.K.Ayres, M. O'Kane, D. Christensen & L. Lanteigne -- Field investigation to support the closure design of the Yankee Heap /P.E. Kowalewski, S. Boyce & R. Buffington -- Surface water quality -- Turnover in pit lakes: I. Observations of three pit lakes in Utah, USA /D. Castendyk & P. Jewell -- Turnover in pit lakes: II. Water column stability and anoxia /P. Jewell & D. Castendyk -- Groundwater and geochemistry -- Long term persistence of cyanide species in mine waste environments /B. Yarar -- Stabilization / solidification of pyritic mill tailings by induced cementation /J. Ouellet, F. Hassani, S. Somot, S. Shnorhokian & M. Hossein -- The removal of arsenic from groundwater using permeable reactive materials /J. Bain, L. Spink, D. Blowes & D. Smyth -- Estimation of the mobility of heavy metals in tailing sediments /T. Naamoun -- Uranium tailings of “Schneckenstein” (Germany) reservoir of contaminants /T. Naamoun -- Remediation and reclamation -- Abandoned mine site waste repositories, site selection, design and costs /K.L. Ford & M. Walker -- In situ bioremediation of uranium and other metals in groundwater /W. Lutze, W. Gong & H.E. Nuttall -- In situ treatment of metals in mine workings and materials J.M. Harrington Response of plants to oil sand tailings /M.J. Silva, M.A. Naeth, D.S. Chanasyk, K.W. Biggar & D.C. Sego -- Column leaching test to evaluate the beneficial use of alkaline industrial wastes to mitigate acid mine drainage /I. Doye & J. Duchesne -- Spatial surface flux boundary model for tailings impoundments /M.E. Rykaart, D.G. Fredlund & G.W. Wilson -- Radioactivity and risk -- The benefits of the risk assessment to the mining industry /T. Alexieva -- Mobility tracing of radionuclides in the uranium tailings “Schneckenstein” (Germany) /T. Naamoun, D. Degering & D. Hebert -- Radioactive tailings issues in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan /R.B. Knapp, J.H. Richardson, N. Rosenberg, D.K Smith, A.F.B. Tompson, A. Samogoev, B. Duisebayev & D. Janecky -- Reprocessing, utilization, and treatment -- A brief discussion of the behavior of a loose iron tailing material under undrained triaxial loading /S. Tibana, T.M.P. de Campos & G.P. Bemardes -- New technologies and approaches -- Solar radiation on surfaces of tailings dams - effects of slope and orientation /G.E. Blight -- Stabilization of uranium in pitwaters using phosphate and coal tailings /S.C. Muller, T. Delaney, R. Ryan, J. Weber, S. Swapp, C. Eggleston & D. Nash -- The tailings pond at the Milltown Dam, Montana, can be cleaned /G. Ter-Stepanian -- Consolidation of clay slurries amended with shredded waste plastic /N. Lozano & L.L. Martinez -- The use of the powder marble by-product in the raw material for brick ceramic /G.C. Xavier, F. Saboya Jr. & J. Alexandre -- Researches concerning the Purolite assimilation for use within the uranium separation-concentration Resin In Pulp process /E.Panturu, Gh. Filip, St. Petrescu, D. Georgescu, F. Aurelian & R. Radulescu -- Cu(II) separation and recovery from mining aqueous systems by flotation (DAF) using alkylhydroxamic collectors /L. Stoica, C. Constantin & O. Micu -- Case histories -- Pozo Azul tailings impoundment: Design modifications made to utilize a difficult site /M.L. Fuller, R.L. Byrd, J. Tagliapietra & K.D. Ball -- Performance of the Kennecott Utah Copper tailings embankment, Magna, Utah /J. Pilz & D. Staujfer -- Performance of vertical wick drains at the Atlas Moab Uranium Mill tailings facility after 1 year /M.E. Henderson, J. Purdy & T. Delaney -- Steep Rock Iron Mines: Dredging and draining of Steep Rock Lake and some of the effects after 45 years /V.A. Sowa -- Community consultation in the rehabilitation of the South Alligator Valley Uranium Mines /P.W. Waggitt -- Remediation of streamside tailings along Silver Bow Creek near Butte, Montana /W.H. Bucher, G. Fischer, B. Grant, A. Shewman, L. Cawlfield, J.E. Chavez & T. Reilly -- A rapid response to cleanup - Gilt Edge Superfimd Site, South Dakota /M.J. Gobla -- A “no action” alternative that worked /R.B. Meade -- Mercury spill response, clean-up, and assessment, Choropampa, Peru /K.J. Esposito, T.A. Shepherd, M.C. Meyer & N.R. Cotts -- Physical and geochemical characterization of mine rock piles at the Questa mine, New Mexico: An overview /S. Shaw, C. Weis, A. Robertson & G. Lorinczi -- Assessment of store-and-release cover for Questa tailings facility, New Mexico /C. Weis, S. Fortin & S. Loudon -- Factors influencing net infiltration into mine rock piles at Questa mine New Mexico /C. Weis, S. Loudon & S. Fortin -- ARD production and water vapor transport at the Questa mine /R. Lefebvre, A. Lamontagne, C. Weis & A.MacG. Robertson -- Selection of a water balance cover over a barrier cap - a case study of the reclamation of the Mineral Hill Mine dry tailings facility /R.J. Frechette & F. W. Bergstrom -- Hard rock mine closure under modem rules - TVX Mineral Hill Mine case study /F.W. Bergstrom & R.J. Frechette -- Evaluation of alternative designs for a water-balance cover over tailings at the Mineral Hill Mine, Montana, using the EDYS model /T. McLendon, W.M. Childress, C.L. Coldren, R.J. Frechette & F. W. Bergstrom -- Author index.
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