Presents papers on mine and mill tailings and mine waste, as well as current and future issues facing the mining and environmental communities. Subjects related to technical capabilities and developments, regulations and environmental concerns are...
Presents papers on mine and mill tailings and mine waste, as well as current and future issues facing the mining and environmental communities. Subjects related to technical capabilities and developments, regulations and environmental concerns are included.
Table of contents -- Preface -- Introduction -- Tailings, tailing, or tails /J.D.Nelson -- Regulatory considerations -- A collaborative approach for mine waste cleanup - The Animas River experience /G.Broetzman & G.Parsons -- Title V permitting issues for the mining and minerals processing industries /D.H.Gebhart -- Mine closure regulations and activity: Nevada style /D.A.Jones -- Use of the new ecological risk screening guidelines to drive down remedial costs at mine tailings sites /R.Braun, M.Saunders, J.Booras & J.Tucker -- Design and operation -- Geometrical control and operational analysis of tailings dams /E.I.Reid -- Design evolution of tailings dams at Inco Sudbury /T.E.Martin & I.Tissington -- Investigation of chemical clogging of drains at Inco’s Central Area tailings dams /H.D.Plewes & T.McDonald -- Volume reduction of oil sands fine tails utilizing nonsegregating tailings /Y.B.Liu, D.L.Caughill, W.Shaw,; E.Lord, R.Burns & J.D.Scott -- Tailings impoundment design - Striving for balance /R.R.Davidson, P.A Stauffer & R.E.Moran -- Management of fine tailings /H.K.Mittal &N.Holl -- Seismic cone penetration testing for evaluating the compressibility and liquefaction potential of mine tailings /D.J.Woeller, PK.Robertson, T.J.Boyd, J.Greig & I.Weemees -- Design considerations for tailings dams /R.C.Lo & E.J.Klohn -- Cost effective backfill design for a reclamation impoundment /J.M.Pool, T.W.Hardgrove &J.F.Crouch -- The evaluation of thickened tailings in a seismic area /B.McMahon, J.T.Phillips & W.A Hutton -- Geotechnical considerations -- Behavior and properties of phosphorus contaminated sludge /A.C.Jones, I.Arango & J.Brummer -- Hydraulic conductivity of oil shale solid waste /J.PTurner & S.Rangarajan -- Development and shear strength parameters of paste backfill /L.Bodi, G.Hunt & T.Lahnalampi -- A field study of the consolidation behaviour of saline gold tailings /T.Newson, Y.Fujiyasu & M.Fahey -- Field tests evaluating freeze-thaw dewatering of fine tailings /S.A Proskin, D.C.Sego & R.Burns -- Liners, covers, barriers -- Capillary barriers for covering mine wastes /J.C.Stormont, C.E.Morris & R.E.Finley -- Assessment of the performance of a capillary barrier /H.J.Morel-Seytoux -- Disposal cell cover selection - Riprap vs.grass /R.Rager, G.Thiers, M.McClanahan & S.Grozescu -- Predicting sandstone riprap erosion rates /G.V.Wilkerson, S.R.Abt & T.L.Johnson -- Overview of geomembrane liner failures /A J.Breitenbach -- Large-scale hydraulic testing of low-permeability clays /S.Grozescu, D.Dobkowski & R.Baradaran -- Field evaluation of montan wax /bentonite sealants to seal voids in a coal mine tailing site and reduce contaminated mine drainage to nearby creek: Preliminary results /F.Djahanguiri, W. Ranges &J.Koerth -- Waste containment barrier enhancement with zeolite /D.KAllerton, H.W. Olsen, G.ADesborough & N.Y.Chang -- Self-sealing hardpan barriers to minimize infiltration of water into sulfide-bearing overburden, ore, and tailings piles /J.AChermak & D.D.Runnells -- A contractor’s perspective on the construction of soil bentonite radon barriers /B. Frame Jr & T.Webber -- A prototype barrier for long term waste isolation /R.I.Watkins -- A combination system for protection of the geological environment in toxic waste dispoal area /A.G. Lunev; N. N. Tsapkova, G. N. Pavlik &V.R. Babayan -- Geochemical barriers as an effective method for geological environment protection /B.N.Isayev, G.N.Pavlik, N.N.Tsapkova, SY.Badeyev & V.R.Babayan Groundwater and geochemistry -- Decommissioning of sulphuric acid-leached heap by rinsing /M.Li, C. Jacob & G.Comeau -- Solubility and transport of arsenic coal ash /R. Iturbe, C. Cruickshank, E. Vega & A E. Silva -- Pseudo-contaminants: A geochemical rationale /J.Bush & M.Hall -- Numerical simulation of low-flow bulkheads to reduce uncontrolled discharge from an underground copper mine /R. L. Lewis, J. I. Hershman, IR. McGowan & J. Tilk -- A new approach to modeling metal contaminant transport associated with mining wastes /C.Zhu, G.-TYeh & R.K.Waddell -- Experimental simulation of waste rock weathering under unsaturated and saturated conditions at Iron Mountain, California /D.C. Keith & D.D.Runnells -- Mine waste site characterization: Use of andesite as an AMD neutralizing media /I.EWalder, C.Zimmer, W.X.Chavez, Jr -- Mathematical modelling as an integral part of monitoring /G.N. Pavlik -- Surface water quality and modelling Screening-level assessment of nonpoint source pollution from inactive hardrock mines in the Cement Creek Basin, Colorado /B. S. Caruso & J. C. Loftis -- Fluvial transport and long-term mobility of mining-related zinc /R.T. Pavlowsky -- Geomorphic and hydraulic characteristics of the Colorado River, Moab, Utah: Potential impacts on a uranium tailings disposal site /R. A Mussetter & M. D. Harvey -- Seasonal liabilities from the McLaren tailings on aquatic resources in Soda Butte Creek and Yellowstone National Park /D. R. Nimmo & M.J.Willox -- Channel morphology and copper concentrations in stream bed sediments /W. A Marcus, S. C. Ladd Sc M.Crotteau -- Long term stream sediment quality resulting from channel meandering and sediment redeposition within in-situ treated areas /M.Ramey, S.Beck, M.Yovich, P.Weber, CStilwell & D.McCarthy -- Demonstration of an innovative heavy metals removal process /R. E. McLaughlin -- Nanofiltration for removal of surplus water in dump leaching /P. K. Eriksson, LA Lien & D.H.Green -- Consolidated tailings release water chemistry /R.J.Mikula, K.L.Kasperski & R.D.Burns -- Post-mining pit lakes: Predicting lake chemistry and assessing ecological risks /D.A.Pillard, T. A Doyle, D.D. Runnells & J. Young -- Geochemistry and physical limnology of an acidic pit lake /D. B. Levy, K. H. Custis, W. H. Casey & P. A Rock -- Remediation and reclamation -- Applications of electrokinetics in tailing treatment /J.Q.Shang&KJ.Lo -- Experiences with insitu tests in mine tailings for reclamation and facility expansion /B. F. Ulrich & D. R. East -- Characterization of fine processed mine tailings deposits for purposes of dry landscape reclamation /R.P. Stahl, D.C.Sego, P. K.Robertson & D.Woeller -- Biological oxidation of cyanide: A viable treatment option for the minerals processing industry? /J. B. Mosher & L. Figueroa -- Pilot-scale biotreatment of cyanide and metal-containing wastewater at the Summitville Mine Superfund Site /R. C. Fischer, K. H. Viskocil, L C. Thompson, C. S. Caldwell, A E. Seep, LWilliams & J.Hubbard -- Reprocessing and utilization -- Recovery of gold from Whitewood Creek tailings /Y.CGuan & K.N.Han -- Reprocessing of chromite tailings of Fariab Mine, Iran /H.Nematollahi -- Use of mine tailings in construction materials /J. D. Dean, J. E. Stephens & J. Bancroft -- Surface waste of the Tri-State Mining District /D.R.Hinrichs -- Case histories -- Progress of early action activities at the Blackbird Mine Site /M.L. Brown & A J. Fleming -- Case history: Reclamation plan, Atlas Corporation, Moab, Utah /B.W.Hassinger -- Durango disposal cell - UMTRA Case History /M.Wesely, HHempill, M.Thomson & C.Weston -- Risk assessment for CMR tailings dam complex /W.Roberds, G. Stray ton & J.Wates -- Case study of Western Nuclear Split Rock Millsite reclamation /M. A Pasha -- Tailings management practices at Syncrude - From research to practice /B. R. List &E.R.F. Lord -- Tailings impoundment at Quebec Cartier Mining /N.L.Journeaux, C.Bedard, J.Lemieux, M.-H.Paquette & D.Lang -- Installation of steel sheet piling: A case history /J.G.Bush -- Author index.
Colorado State University (Edited by)
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