ISBN-13: 9781498421973 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 274 str.
"What do we have that we have not been given?" asks Evangeline, in showcasing God's gracious blessings on her life. Her sacrifices offered to God pale in comparison, proving that God is no woman's debtor. Birth trauma delivered Evangeline monocular into the world, and asthma threatened to remove her from it. Growing up very sickly, she fully expected to die young. Raised religious but confused by extra-Biblical spirituality, she ventured into Eastern mysticism and occult experimentation, adding demonic issues to her physical problems. Yet God's word, injected early through church, Sunday school, Bible-influenced public education and parenting, had inoculated her against long-term spiritual disability. Seeds from the Father planted early in her heart eventually sprouted, strained toward the light of the Son and were rescued from drought by the Spirit's showers. Rather than dying young, Evangeline was launched into a life worth living which became a life worth giving: giving to God, family, the poor, and to Christian Education. This book is a gift to posterity. Its setting in time and space- from the days of colonial Jamaica to the present in Canada- provide a unique historical perspective. Its confessions of sin and testimonies of transformation cover a range of issues with which many people wrestle: isms creating schisms, racial discrimination, disease, disabilities, disasters, fear, sex, marriage, demons, abortion, child-rearing. Finally, it brings into sharp focus the panacea of right relationship to God, the Bible, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit- in the life of an ordinary woman with no particular claim to fame.