Table of Contents - List of Figures - List of Tables - Preface - A Note on Translations - Acknowledgements - About the Author - Contemporary Maori Society and the Other Side of Maori Culture [1998] - Maori Hapu as a Whole Way of Struggle: 1840-50s before the Land Wars [1998] - Maori Retribalisation and Treaty Rights to the New Zealand Fisheries [2002] - Urewera Kinship and Land, 1894-1926: Some Preliminary Conclusions [2002] - Maori Kinship and Power: Ngai Tuhoe 1894-1912 [2017] - haua Te Rangi and Reconciliation in Te Urewera, 1913-1983 [2019] - Maori Indigeneity and Commodity Fetishism [2016] - Maori Indigeneity and the Ontological Turn in Ethnography [2019] - Whakamoana-ed ("Set Adrift")? Tuhoe Maori Confront Commodification, 1894-1926 [2021] - Biculturalism and Maori Indigeneity in Aotearoa/New Zealand - Socio-economic Class and Domestication of the Maori - Summary - References - Index.
Steven S. Webster has a PhD from the University of Washington, Seattle, based on field research in an indigenous transhumant society in highland Peru. Since the early 1970s he has undertaken field and ethnohistorical research with the Maori of New Zealand and taught social anthropology and Maori studies at the University of Auckland.