Fishery SystemsChapter 1. Introducing Fishery SystemsChapter 2. The Natural System: The FishChapter 3. The Natural System: Fishery EcosystemsChapter 4. The Human System: Fishers and FishworkersChapter 5. The Human System: Post-Harvest Aspects and Fishing CommunitiesThe Fishery Governance and Management SystemChapter 6. Fishery GovernanceChapter 7. Fishery ManagementChapter 8. Fishery DevelopmentChapter 9. Fishery KnowledgeThree Major Challenges in Fishery SystemsChapter 10. Uncertainty in Fishery SystemsChapter 11. Conflict in Fishery SystemsChapter 12. Attitudes (The Story of a Fishery Collapse)Modern Strategies for Fishery SystemsChapter 13. Sustainability and ResilienceChapter 14. Adaptive, Robust and Precautionary ManagementChapter 15. The Ecosystem Approach to FisheriesChapter 16. Rights-Based Approaches to Fisheries ManagementChapter 17. Co-management and Community-Based ManagementFisheries and the Bigger PictureChapter 18. Fisheries and Marine Protected AreasChapter 19. Fisheries and Biodiversity ConservationChapter 20. Fisheries and Multi-Sectoral ManagementChapter 21. Fisheries and Climate ChangeConclusionsChapter 22. Sustaining Fisheries into the Future
Anthony Charles, PhD, is Director of the School of the Environment and Professor in the Sobey School of Business at Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Canada.