1. Sustainability metrics and indicators through the life cycle assessment: A brief history
2. Fundamentals of life cycle assessment: Definitions, terminology, and concepts 3. Methods of evaluation of the impact on the life cycle 4. Optional elements of life cycle impact assessment 5. Assistant's tools towards life cycle assessment 6. Carbon Footprint and Carbon Market 7. The role of life cycle assessment in agricultural systems 8. Economic aspects of sustainability
9. Sustainability metrics and indicator strategies for a modern society
Prof. Eduardo Jacob-Lopes is currently associate professor at the Department of Food Technology and Science, Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil. He has more than 18 years of teaching and research experience. He is a technical and scientific consultant of several companies, agencies, and scientific journals. He has more than 600 publications/communications and has registered 15 patents. His research interest includes biotechnology and bioengineering with emphasis on microalgal biotechnology.
Dr. Leila Queiroz Zepka is currently an Associate professor at the Department of Food Technology and Science, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). She has more than 15 years of teaching and research experience. She has published more than 500 scientific publications/communications, which include 10 books, 50 book chapters, 100 original research papers, 350 research communications in national and international conferences, and 12 patents. She is a member of the editorial board of 5 journals and acts as a reviewer for several national and international journals. Her research interest includes microalgal biotechnology with an emphasis on microalgae-based products.
Dr. Mariany Costa Deprá is currently a researcher at the Department of Food Science and Technology, Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil. She is a technical and scientific consultant of companies and scientific journals. With more than 100 publications/communications, her research interest includes process engineering with emphasis on sustainability metrics and indicators.