ISBN-13: 9781540804402 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 602 str.
Sunday Scrabble - which is played by arranging nine store-bought, off-the-shelf, Scrabble boards into a composite three-board by three-board (forty-five-square by forty-five-square) mega grid and combining the corresponding nine standard bags of one hundred tiles each into a single Sunday bag of nine hundred tiles all told - gets even better and better as you vary the minimum word-width from the classic two letters to seven letters, one more letter at a time. So says the author after 120, two-person games of Sunday Scrabble while meticulously recording the turn-by-turn results. Games 1-20 play two-letter words on up. Games 21-40 play three-letter words on up. Games 41-60 play four-letter words on up. Games 61-80 play five-letter words on up. Games 81-100 play six-letter words on up. Games 101-120 play seven-letter words on up