Part I: Setting the scene 1. Introduction: Why S2S? 2. Weather forecasting: What sets the forecast horizon? 3. Weather within Climate: Sub-seasonal predictability of tropical daily rainfall characteristics 4. Identifying wave processes associated with predictability across time scales: An empirical normal mode approach
Part II: Sources of S2S Predictability 5. The Madden-Julian Oscillation 6. Extratropical sub-seasonal-to-seasonal oscillations and multiple regimes: The dynamical systems view 7. Tropical-Extratropical Interactions and Teleconnections 8. Land surface processes relevant to S2S prediction 9. Midlatitude Meso-scale Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction and Its Relevance to S2S Prediction 10. The role of sea ice in subseasonal predictability 11. Sub-seasonal Predictability and the Stratosphere
Part III: S2S Modeling and Forecasting 12. Forecast system design, configuration, complexity 13. Ensemble generation: the TIGGE and S2S ensembles 14. GCMs with Full Representation of Cloud Microphysics and Their MJO Simulation 15. Forecast recalibration and multi-model combination 16. Forecast verification for S2S time scales
Part IV: S2S Applications 17. Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction of Weather Extremes 18. Pilot experiences in using seamless forecasts for early action: Ready-Set-Go approach in the Red Cross 19. Communication and dissemination of forecasts and engaging user communities 20. Seamless prediction of monsoon onset and active/break phases 21. Lessons learned in 25 years informing sectoral decisions with probabilistic climate forecasts 22. Predicting climate impacts on health at sub-seasonal to seasonal timescales