ISBN-13: 9783843365352 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 120 str.
Description of the etiological factors as 'Trividha-Het ' is unique classification in yurveda. Amongst these three factors K la (time-factor) is beyond the reach of human. It is unavoidable. It is the root cause of climatic changes which we called as seasons i.e. ' TU'. Such climatic changes are responsible for development of various signs & symptoms which are known as 'symptoms due to season change'. To avoid these seasonal illness & maintain health throughout the year, seasonal regimen i.e. tucary is described in yurveda. Some signs and symptoms or diseases are likely to occur during the joining period of two consecutive tus, specified for two weeks and termed as tusandhi. If one disobeys these rules, particularly in tusandhi then he mostly suffers from the typical signs and symptoms termed as As tmyaja Roga in tusandhi. Study & practice of tucary helps to prevent the onset of signs and symptoms i.e. 'As tmyaja Roga' in tusandhi. This book is based on the fundamental concepts of yurveda with survey study of 100 individuals particularly in 3 tusandhis. The detailed tucary is also illustrated in this book."
Description of the etiological factors as Trividha-Hetū is unique classification in Āyurveda. Amongst these three factors Kāla (time-factor) is beyond the reach of human. It is unavoidable. It is the root cause of climatic changes which we called as seasons i.e. ŖTU. Such climatic changes are responsible for development of various signs & symptoms which are known as symptoms due to season change. To avoid these seasonal illness & maintain health throughout the year, seasonal regimen i.e. Ŗtucaryā is described in Āyurveda. Some signs and symptoms or diseases are likely to occur during the joining period of two consecutive Ŗtus, specified for two weeks and termed as Ŗtusandhi. If one disobeys these rules, particularly in Ŗtusandhi then he mostly suffers from the typical signs and symptoms termed as Asātmyaja Roga in Ŗtusandhi. Study & practice of Ŗtucaryā helps to prevent the onset of signs and symptoms i.e. Asātmyaja Roga in Ŗtusandhi. This book is based on the fundamental concepts of Āyurveda with survey study of 100 individuals particularly in 3 Ŗtusandhis. The detailed Ŗtucaryā is also illustrated in this book.