Timothy Tambassi is an ICUB Postdoctoral Fellow at the Research Institute of the University of Bucharest and an Honorary Research Fellow in History of Philosophy at the University of Parma. In 2013, he obtained his Ph.D. in Philosophy and Human Science at the University of Verona with a dissertation entitled "The Riddle of Reality: E.J. Lowe's Metaphysics, Ontology, and Philosophy of Mind". Currently, his main interests of research include Metaphysics, Formal Ontology, Philosophy of Geography, Geo-ontologies and the Philosophy of E.J. Lowe. Among his recent monographs there are The Philosophy of Geo-Ontologies (Springer, 2017) and Il rompicapo della realtà. Metafisica, ontologia e filosofia della mente in E.J. Lowe (Mimesis, 2015).