PART ONE: SOURCES 1. National archive sources for business history, 2. Historical business records in private hands surveyed by the national register of archives (Scotland), 3. Historical business records surveyed by the Colquhoun lecturer in business history and the business archives council of Scotland, 4. A bibliography of Scottish business history, PART TWO: DOMESTIC ENTERPRISE AND ORGANISATION 5. Lead-mining in Scotland, 1640-1850, 6. The law and the joint-stock company in Scotland, 7. The Savings Bank of Glasgow, 1836-1914, 8. Organisation and growth in the East Coast Herring Fishing, 1800-1885, 9. Earnings and productivity in the Scottish coal-mining industry during the nineteenth century: the Dixon Enterprises, 10. Entrepreneurship in the Scottish Heavy Industries, 1870-1900, PART THREE: SCOTTISH ENTERPRISES OVERSEAS 11. The rise of Glasgow in the Chesapeake Tobacco Trade, 1707-1775, 12. Scottish enterprise in Australia, 1798-1879,13. British shipping in the nineteenth century: a study of the Ben Line Papers, 14. Scottish investment and Enterprise in Texas, 15. Scottish investment in American Railways: the case of the City of Glasgow Bank, 1856-1881
Peter L. Payne-Colquhoun Lecturer in Business History, University of Glasgow