1. Introduction and Research Framework.- 2. Rule-Making of COB.- 3. Public Enforcement of COB.- 4. Private Enforcement of COB.- 5. Lessons and Recommendation.
Junghoon Kim has been the Senior Examiner, for the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) Korea (a governmental organization that supervises and examines financial institutions, regulates the capital market and protects financial consumers and investors) since 2007. From 2002 to 2006, he was a manager at KPMG (Global Accounting & Advisory Firm) and was involved in Basel II implementation projects in major Korean commercial banks.
This book explores financial regulation, particularly regulation on misselling of over-the-counter derivatives, which has been a pressing issue in many jurisdictions since the 1990s. To do so it applies the accumulated theories of comparative law and regulations to conduct of business regulation to analyze the causes of regulatory failure and to suggest measures for improvement. Despite regular misselling disputes in over-the-counter-derivative transactions, there is a significant lack of comparative law research on financial regulation and almost none focusing on conduct of business regulation. This process also allows the validity of existing regulatory theories to be tested.
The book makes a significant contribution to the academic literature in jurisdictions where the failure of the conduct of business regulations and the causes have not been sufficiently been analyzed.
Junghoon Kim has been the Senior Examiner, for the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) Korea (a governmental organization that supervises and examines financial institutions, regulates the capital market and protects financial consumers and investors) since 2007. From 2002 to 2006, he was a manager at KPMG (Global Accounting & Advisory Firm) and was involved in Basel II implementation projects in major Korean commercial banks.