Chapter 2: Analyzing Customer Satisfaction of Civil Aviation Companies of Turkey with Text Mining.
Serkan Eti and Filiz Mızrak
Chapter 3: Global Economic Policy Uncertainty as a Main Driver of Financial Impacts and Performances in the Financial Markets: Evidence from Emerging Market Economies.
Harun Turker Kara, Nildag Basak Ceylan and Ayhan Kapusuzoglu
Chapter 4: Investigation of the Effects of Strategic Management and Innovation on Performance Together with Technological Capabilities.
Zafer Adiguzel
Chapter 5: Measuring level of technological infrastructure in smart cities: a non-compensatory approach.
Enrico Ivaldi and Andrea Ciacci
Chapter 6: The Role of Technology-based Renewable Energy Investments on Macroeconomic Stability.
Gözde Gülseven Ubay and Hüsne Karakuş
Chapter 7: Resource Dependence Theory.
Kudret Celtekligil
Chapter 8: A Model for Digital Business Governance for Strategic Growth and Innovation with Dynamic Capabilities.
Arafat Salih Aydiner
Chapter 9: Queen Bee Syndrome: A modern dilemma of working women and its effects on turnover intentions.
Elif Baykal, Erkan Soyalp and Rahime Yeşil
Chapter 10: The Relation Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: Reviewing Empirical Studies and Discussing the Ethical Aspect.
Hakan Kalkavan
Chapter 11: The Role of Employee Quality on the Financial Performance of the Banks.
Oya Alhan , Serhat Yüksel and Hasan Dinçer
Chapter 12: From the first industrial revolutions to the industry 4.0: Changes in innovative work behaviors and effects on the global economies.
Seçil Şenel Uzunkaya
Chapter 13: Impact of International Migration on Patents, Innovation, Economy and Business Strategy.
Faik Tanrikulu
Chapter 14: Determinants of Working Capital Management of Manufacturing Firms in Ghana under Innovative Work Behaviour Perspective.
Ibrahim Nandom Yakubu, Ayhan Kapusuzoglu and Nildag Basak Ceylan
Chapter 15: Analyzing the Effects of Organizational Trust and Organizational Commitment in Anti-Productivity Behaviors in Managerial Approach Dimension to Achieve A Strategic Competitive Advantage.
Mehmet Saim Aşçı
Chapter 16: Responsive Demand Management in the Era of Digitization.
Tuğba Sarı
Chapter 17: Relationship Between Organizational Commitment and Organizational Silence: A Study in the Insurance Industry.
Pelin Vardarlıer and Özge Akıner
Chapter 18: Interplays between R&D Activity and Net Receipts on the Uses of Intellectual Property Rights-A study on world’s major economic groups.
Ramesh Chandra Das
Chapter 19: Mid-Level Managers in Terms of Strategic Role and Functions.
M.Atilla Arıcıoğlu, Şükran Gökce and Nadiye Gülnar
Chapter 20: Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies of Deposit Banks in Turkey via Text Mining Twitter Posts.
Ömer Berkay Aytaç, Gökhan Silahtaroğlu and Özge Doğuç
Chapter 21: The Role of Market Risk in Innovative Working Behaviour of Companies: A Comparative Analysis between Turkey and Mexico using Multivariate GARCH Methodology.
Fatih Yiğit and Musa Atgür
Hasan Dincer is Professor of Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey.
Serhat Yüksel is an Associate Professor of Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey.
This book presents various perspectives on innovative work behaviour, focusing on problem recognition, idea generation, idea promotion and the realisation of these ideas. It first highlights important corporate issues, such as uncertainty, performance management, technological infrastructure, and strategy development, and subsequently presents studies that offer solutions. Further, the book evaluates the significance of research and development, effective communication and corporate governance. Lastly, it discusses the implications of idea realisation, examining resource dependence theory, organizational trust and eco-innovations.