»Insgesamt hat die schwedische Medizinhistorikerin eine interessante und lesenswerte Studie vorgelegt, der [...] das Verdienst gebührt, ein ansonsten nur randständig wahrgenommenes Thema quellen- und facettenreich auszuleuchten.« Oliver Falk, VIRUS, 21 (2022) O-Ton: »When Lamb-to-Human Blood Transfusions Were All the Rage« - Boel Berner im Interview with newbooksnetwork.com am 12.10.2020. Besprochen in: https://lithub.com, 12.10.2020 https://www.books-readers.com, 10 (2020) Zeitsprung, 08.07.2020 Journal of Medical Humanities, 43 (2022), Ericka Johnson
Berner, BoelBoel Berner is a sociologist, historian, and professor emerita at Linköping University in Sweden. In her research she investigates the character and power of expertise, historically and today. She has studied education and work, the gendered nature of technical knowledge, household modernization, and issues of risk. Her current work is oriented towards the history of medicine. It focuses, besides questions of blood donation and transfusion, on the politics of blood group analysis in the interwar years.