Section I: Conceptualizing and Theorizing Storying
Chapter 1. Personal Pedagogy: Elucidating the Concept of Emotional Truth
Chapter 2. Theorizing and Anchoring Storying
Chapter 3. Identity, Auto-ethnography and Memory Work as related to Storying
Chapter 4. Storying as Mirrors, Shadows and Imaginariums
Section II: Storying as Methodological Practice
Chapter 5. Storying a Cultural Historical Self: Women Developing a Doctoral Leadership Program
Chapter 6. Storying the Hidden Pedagogy of Higher Education Mentorship
Chapter 7. Storying Social Justice and Institutional Ethnography
Section III: Storying as Pedagogical Practice – Different Instructional Settings
Chapter 8. Storying in a Community College Classroom using Reflection
Chapter 9. First Gen Photo Project – In their Own Words
Chapter 10. “Miss, I think I found my Story!”
Chapter 11. Storying History in Middle School
Chapter 12. Shaping Ourselves through Storying
Ambika Gopal Raj is Professor of Language Arts and Literature in the Charter College of Education at California State University, Los Angeles, USA.
Sharon H. Ulanoff is Professor of Bilingual/Multicultural and Literacy Education in the Charter College of Education at California State University, Los Angeles, USA.
This volume conceptualizes and distinguishes storying from narrative and storytelling to establish itself as a method. It theorizes that storying pertains to ones’ identity, to the unique positions of who one is, how they came to be, and why they came to be (Raj, 2019). Building upon foundational work from Freire, Greene, and Clandinin & Connelly, this book elucidates storying through a new concept “emotional truth”--a deeply personal and authentic experience that builds a tangible connection from teller to listener. Such an involved conception of Storying could have the potential to anchor storying as research methodology and as valid pedagogical practice. Further, the chapters in this book establish storying as a concept, method, and as pedagogical practice.
Ambika Gopal Raj is Professor of Language Arts and Literature in the Charter College of Education at California State University, Los Angeles, USA.
Sharon H. Ulanoff is Professor of Bilingual/Multicultural and Literacy Education in the Charter College of Education at California State University, Los Angeles, USA.