About the author viiIntroduction ixAn important note xiiiPart I: Getting your house in order 11 Understand your money story 32 Set meaningful, within-your-means, goals 233 Get to grips with, and in control of, mistakes 334 Build a trusted personal finance village 475 Aim to be financially free-er 656 Plan for your death (seriously!) 85Part II: Dealing with worry 977 Attend to relationship dramas and divorce 998 Watch for and address money cheating 1119 Know when it's money abuse 123Part III: Planning for the future 13310 Schedule a sabbatical or break 13511 Set up a side hustle or business successfully 15312 Consider a sea-change, tree-change or move 16713 Give and gift to causes bigger than yourself 18314 Educate the next generation 199What next? 219Connect with me 221Acknowledgements 223Where to go for help 225Sources 227Index 231
Jacqui Clarke is a trusted advisor, board member, executor and veteran business executive. For decades she has worked with some of Australia's wealthiest families to help them preserve, protect and grow their wealth, and navigate the challenges that money brings.