Preface.- 1: An Introduction to Statistics and Research Design.- 2: Frequency Distributions.- 3: Visual Displays of Data.- 4: Central Tendency and Variability.- 5: Sampling and Probability.- 6: The Normal Curve, Standardization and z Scores.- 7: Hypothesis Testing with z Tests.- 8: Confidence Intervals, Effect Size, and Statistical Power.- 9: The Single-Sample t Test.- 10: The Paired-Samples t Test.- 11: The Independent-Samples Test.- 12: One-Way Between-Groups ANOVA.- 13: One-Way Within-Groups ANOVA.- 14: Two-Way Between-Groups ANOVA.- 15: Correlation.- 16: Regression.- 17: Chi-Square Tess.- 8: Choosing and Reporting Statistics.- Appendix A: Reference for Basic Mathematics.- Appendix B: Statistical Tables.- Appendix C: Solutions to End-of-Chapter Problems.- Appendix D: Check Your Learning Solutions.- Glossary.- References.- Index
Susan A. Nolan is a Professor of Psychology at Seton Hall University in New Jersey. Susan holds leadership roles in the Society for the Teaching of Psychology and is the President of the Eastern Psychological Association - while also being a Fellow of the American Psychological Association. Tom Heinzen is Professor of Psychology at William Paterson University of New Jersey. After publishing his first book on frustration and creativity in government, Heinzen worked as a public policy research associate, consulted for the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, and then began his teaching career.