The book offers a consistent, well-explicated narrative that defines systemic state-sponsored violence in the US and examines the multifaceted effects of the slow and invisible forms that this type of violence can embody over time in myriad subtle, yet virulent, ways.
Melvin Delgado, PhD, is Professor in the School of Social Work at Boston University. Specifically focusing on the Latino community, Dr. Delgado has over 40 years of practice, research, and scholarship centered on urban population groups. Born and raised in New York City, he has focused his professional and academic career on developing urban-based outreach, research, and service delivery models stressing participatory democratic principles, cultural strengths, and
community assets. Dr. Delgado has published numerous articles and 30 books on urban community practice topics. He is currently the Series Editor of Oxford University Press's Social Justice and Youth Community Practice Series.