Foreword xiAcknowledgments xiiiAbout the Author xviiIntroduction xixChapter 1: The Importance of Authentic Leadership in Changing Times 1Part One: Storytelling 11Chapter 2: Dream the Possible Dream 13Chapter 3: Defining and Testing the Story 21Chapter 4: Telling the Story to Your Investors 31Chapter 5: Telling the Story to Your Team 39Chapter 6: Revising the Story 49Chapter 7: Bringing the Story to Life 59Part Two: Building the Company's Human Capital 69Chapter 8: Fielding a Great Team 71Chapter 9: The CEO as Functional Supervisor 83Chapter 10: Crafting Your Company's Culture 89Chapter 11: The Hiring Challenge 99Chapter 12: Every Day in EveryWay,We Get a Little Better 113Chapter 13: Compensation 125Chapter 14: Promoting 133Chapter 15: Rewarding: "It's the Little Things" That Matter 141Chapter 16: Managing Remote Offices and Employees 147Chapter 17: Firing: When It's Not Working 153Part Three: Execution 161Chapter 18: Creating a Company Operating System 163Chapter 19: Creating Your Operating Plan and Setting Goals 167Chapter 20: Making Sure There's Enough Money in the Bank 177Chapter 21: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Financing 185Chapter 22: When and How to Raise Money 195Chapter 23: Forecasting and Budgeting 201Chapter 24: Collecting Data 209Chapter 25: Managing in Tough Times 215Chapter 26: Meeting Routines 223Chapter 27: Driving Alignment 233Chapter 28: Have You Learned Your Lesson? 239Chapter 29: Going Global 247Chapter 30: The Role of M&A 255Chapter 31: Competition 265Chapter 32: Failure 269Part Four: Building and Leading a Board of Directors 277Chapter 33: The Value of a Good Board 279Chapter 34: Building Your Board 283Chapter 35: Board Meeting Materials 293Chapter 36: Running Effective Board Meetings 297Chapter 37: Non-Board Meeting Time 305Chapter 38: Decision Making and the Board 309Chapter 39:Working with the Board on Your Compensation and Review 315Chapter 40: Serving on Other Boards 321Part Five: Managing Yourself So You Can Manage Others 329Chapter 41: Creating a Personal Operating System 331Chapter 42:Working with an Executive Assistant 339Chapter 43:Working with a Coach 345Chapter 44: The Importance of Peer Groups 351Chapter 45: Staying Fresh 355Chapter 46: Your Family 367Chapter 47: Traveling 375Chapter 48: Taking Stock of the Year 379Part Six: Selling Your Company 385Chapter 49: A Note on Exits 387Chapter 50: Preparing Yourself for an Exit 391Chapter 51: Preparing Your Company for an Exit 397Chapter 52: The Sale Process 403Chapter 53: Transition and Integration 415Chapter 54: Thinking about Your Next Step 419Conclusion 425Bibliography 429What's Next? 433Index 435
Matt Blumberg founded Return Path in 1999, grew it to 500 employees and $100 million in revenues, and sold it to Validity in 2019. Matt is chair of Path Forward, a nonprofit that helps mothers and caregivers reenter the workforce. He is creating his next startup and writing a companion volume to Startup CEO.