ISBN-13: 9783031476426 / Angielski
ISBN-13: 9783031476426 / Angielski
Chapter 1 - Introduction: The Nexus of Spirituality and Sustainability
During the past few decades, the topics of spirituality and sustainability have received considerable interest from both industry and academia, influenced by the increase in corporate scandals, and industry-related environmental disasters. In this chapter, spirituality will be examined from a secular perspective, and sustainability from a pragmatic business perspective. The systems perspective will be introduced to support the interconnectedness of spirituality and sustainability within the context of traditional and nontraditional religious doctrine, and contemporary thought. This foundation of the nexus of spirituality and sustainability will provide a foundation upon which the remaining chapters will build, demonstrating that spirituality and sustainability are beneficial for individual and organizational success. The remaining chapter themes and topics will also be summarized.
Chapter 2 - Individual Spirituality and Success (content from previously proposed chapter 10 combined here)
While scholars have been reluctant to study spirituality, research on spirituality and religiosity increased during the latter decades of the previous century. Popular interest in spirituality has also increased as a result of the rise of secularism, and popular disillusionment with, and declining confidence in religious institutions. In this chapter, individual spirituality will be examined from a secular perspective. However, the influence of major religions on spirituality is so profound that a summary of the spiritual aspects of each major religion is included. Contemporary spirituality movements such as alternative spiritualities, occulture, Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS), and Spirituality 2.0 will be explored. The spirituality discourse concludes with an examination of spiritual capital, spiritual intelligence, and the benefits of spirituality at the individual level. Chapter 10 - Spirituality for Individual Success
Concurrent with the increasing interest in spirituality, more employees are seeking avenues for spiritual expression in workplace and career. Career theory is examined as a lens through which spirituality and individual success may be examined. Holistic models are discussed through which spirituality and career development may be examined. Because spirituality can be expressed in entrepreneurial pursuits, whereby individuals seek to incorporate individual morals and values directly into a business venture, spiritual entrepreneurship will also be explored. The role of ethics in individual spirituality will be examined. The chapter concludes with an examination of the individual benefits of spirituality in terms of career, health, and relationships.
Chapter 3 - RETITLED: Workplace & Organizational Spirituality
The exponential growth in interest in workplace spirituality is influenced by many factors including contemporary post-materialist workers seeking meaning and purpose at work as alternatives to, or in addition to wealth accumulation as the primary function of work. In this chapter, the scholarly literature on workplace spirituality is summarized, beginning with the development of definition, measurement methods, theory, and framework, followed by the establishment of a valid construct, and research on the effects and consequences of workplace spirituality. The relationship between workplace spirituality and religion is also examined. The role of ethics in workplace spirituality will be examined. The servant, authentic, spiritual, and values leadership styles and models will be examined within the context of workplace spirituality. The chapter concludes with examination of spiritual leadership, and spiritual capital within the context of workplace spirituality.
Chapter 4 - Indigenous Spirituality (NEW chapter)
While contemporary society has been established on a foundation of humanmade institutions and structures, most indigenous cultures recognize the interconnectedness of nature and humankind, and that we cannot live and survive outside of nature. Indigenous spirituality is often characterized by a holistic, comprehensive way of living. Although spiritual beliefs vary among the millions of indigenous cultures commonalities exist between many of the dominant indigenous cultures. Common indigenous cultures and their respective spiritual beliefs and practices will be explored within the context of the role of spirituality in individual and collective success. The similarities and differences of these Indigenous cultures will be examined to develop a better understanding of their role and importance in achieving spirituality. The absence of a spiritual-secular binary in Indigenous cultures will add an important perspective to the discussion about spirituality.
Chapter 5 – Spirituality in the Post-pandemic Era (NEW chapter)
While religious affiliation and participation began declining decades before the COVID-19 pandemic, the pandemic stimulated inward reflection in many individuals and cultures. Many individuals were reminded of their mortality and used time working at home and loss of friends and loved ones as opportunities to find meaning and spirituality in their lives. The concept that spirituality exists both within and absent religious institutions became more evident as churches were closed or provided services virtually. The role of spirituality in the post-pandemic era will be examined within the context of individual and organizational success. The content and case study will provide perspective on the role of spirituality during and after unexpected global crises.
Chapter 6 – Sustainability (this was combined with chapter 7 in the previous edition) and Success (content from previously proposed chapter 11 combined here)
While concern for environmental sustainability can be traced back to Malthus in the eighteenth century, and as far back as Greece in the period of antiquities, sustainability has become a contemporary topic of increasing interest in both academia and industry. Chapter topics include an introduction to the definition, relevance, and history of sustainability. Sustainability is being influenced by several contemporary movements, and future sustainability trends are unfolding, some of which are examined in this chapter.
While individual sustainability is an important consideration, research examining individual sustainability, and how sustainability initiatives provide individual meaning or fulfillment at the individual level is limited. The focus of this chapter is the examination of how sustainability contributes to individual and career success. Contemporary movements influencing individual sustainability, including simple living or voluntary simplicity, and the tiny house movement will be explored. Career theory will be examined as a lens through which to examine the relationship between sustainability and individual success. Responsible careers, boundaryless careers, and the differentiation between job, career, and calling will be discussed. Various sustainable careers opportunities will be explored, and the chapter concludes with a discussion about sustainability leadership and management.
Chapter 7 – Sustainable Business (this was combined with chapter 6 in the previous edition)
The emerging sustainable business model is compared and contrasted with the traditional business models. While many have argued that capitalism may be the cause of our current environmental state, others argue capitalism is a powerful means to create value while solving our environmental problems. The systems perspective and the stakeholder approach will be discussed to support the necessity for achieving and the interconnectedness of the UN SDGs. The transition from capitalism solely as a means for profit maximization to newer models of conscious capitalism, the circular economy, environmental social and governance (ESG) investing, and social entrepreneurship will be explored. The role, benefits, and challenges of business achieving sustainability will be explored in this chapter. The chapter’s case study will illustrate the dark side of integrating spirituality and performative attempts at greening.
Chapter 8 - Indigenous Sustainability (NEW chapter)While contemporary society is established on a foundation of humanmade institutions and structures, Indigenous cultures recognize the interconnectedness of nature and humankind, and that we cannot live and survive outside of nature. Creation is conceived as a living process wherein all inhabitants are members of a living universe. Most Indigenous traditions and belief systems regard nature with deep respect. They have a strong sense of place and belonging which sustains knowledge and ways of life that promote nature conservation and sustainable natural resource use. Common Indigenous cultures and their respective spiritual beliefs and practices will be explored within the context of the role of sustainability in individual and collective success. The absence of a spiritual-secular binary in Indigenous cultures will add an important perspective to the discussion about sustainability.
Chapter 9 - Sustainability in the Post-pandemic Era (NEW chapter)
The increase in work from home (WFH) employment during and following the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that many business and organizational activities can be performed remotely, in a more sustainable manner. The brief pause in atmospheric CO2 rise gave hope that meaningful climate change mitigation was possible. This chapter will explore sustainability research, initiatives, and topics in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic to provide perspective on achieving sustainability during, or despite unexpected global crises.
Chapter 10 - Workplace and Organizational Spirituality for Organizational Success (Retitled from 1st edition)
In line with the broad, interdisciplinary, and non-religious framework of the text, the business and organizational benefits of workplace spirituality from a secular perspective will be examined in this chapter. The characteristics and development of spiritual organizations, workplace spirituality programs, demonstrated benefits, and methods of implementation will also be explored. Moreover, the potential risks, challenges and controversies surrounding both spiritual organizations and workplace spirituality will be discussed. Spiritual intelligence is briefly examined because the development of organizational spiritual capabilities is antecedent to the development of successful triple bottom line strategies. Finally, the Spiritual Incorporated Argument (SIA) is introduced as a method of providing intrinsic justification for the incorporation of spirituality into business management. The contributions and roles of religious and spirituality NGOs and IGOs will be examined.
Chapter 11 - Sustainability for Organizational Success
While the goal of traditional capitalism is with making money, there is growing concern within and without industry about how that money is made. In this chapter, the business and organizational benefits of sustainability will be examined, along with the risks and costs of sustainability inaction. Methods and models of sustainable business implementation will be examined, along with examples of companies that have implemented and benefited from sustainable business strategies. Sustainability is presented from a practical business perspective, transcending environmental and political agendas. Rather than adding cost and additional work, sustainability reduces costs, increases profitability, and introduces innovative opportunities for marketplace differentiation. The contributions and roles of sustainability NGOs and IGOs will be examined.
Chapter 12 – Integrating Spirituality and Sustainability for Individual Success
The central theme of this chapter is that the combination of spirituality and sustainability are beneficial for individual success. Because limited research exists concerning the relationships among sustainability, spirituality and individual success, much of the focus of this chapter will be with development of an argument for, and a conceptual framework from which to examine the proposed relationship of these constructs. Spiritual and sustainable lifestyles such as voluntary simplicity and flourishing, and corresponding benefits will be examined. Systems thinking, Holistic Model of Wellness, Vocational Souljourn, and complexity theory are introduced as frameworks through which to understand the individual-level benefits of combined spirituality and sustainability. Spiritual intelligence, sustainable leadership, ecospirituality, and ecologism are discussed within the context of individual spirituality, sustainability, and success.
Chapter 13 - Integrating Workplace & Organizational Spirituality with Sustainability for Organizational Success (Retitled from 1st edition)
The central theme of this chapter is that the combination of spirituality and sustainability are beneficial for organizational success. Because limited research exists concerning the relationships among sustainability, spirituality and organizational success, much of the focus of this chapter will be with development of an argument for, and a conceptual framework from which to examine the proposed relationship of these constructs. Systems thinking, the Quadruple Bottom Line for Sustainability, and Man-Environment-Organism (M-E-O) are introduced as frameworks through which to understand the proposed relationship. Flourishing, conscious capitalism, and spiritual entrepreneurship are introduced within the context of the chapter theme. The chapter concludes with an examination of Laloux’s proposed model of organizational evolution, and the emerging evolutionary “teal” organization.
Chapter 14 - Epilogue: The Synthesis of Spirituality, Sustainability and Success
In this concluding chapter, I summarize the key principles of the preceding chapters, as well as identify future recommendations, trends, and applications relevant to the application of spirituality and sustainability for success at both the individual and organizational level. The social, political, economic, and environmental challenges faced by humankind may benefit from contemporary alternatives to existing systems and models such as the circular economy and Spirituality 2.0. Future research suggestions are included to reinforce (or refute) the propositions that spirituality and sustainability, when combined produce both individual and organizational success.
Christopher G. Beehner is Professor at Seminole State College of Florida, USA. He has also published and presented on the topics of workplace spirituality and sustainable business education.
This book offers a pragmatic approach to the benefits of spirituality and sustainability for both individual and organizational success. It introduces sustainability and workplace spirituality as contemporary solutions to the challenging organizational environment. The first few chapters introduce the fundamentals of spirituality, workplace spirituality, and sustainability. The author then demonstrates how the three qualities are beneficial in achieving personal and business success. Through the combination of synthesized research summaries and case studies of individuals and organizations, this book offers readers a fresh perspective on the importance of spirituality and sustainability to organizational performance.
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