1. Children Make you Happier ... and Poorer. Diagnosis. 2. The Disenchantment and Re-Enchantment of Childhood in the Climate of Globalisation 3. The Child as Consumer: A North American Problem of Ambivalence Concerning the Spirituality of Childhood in Late Capitalist Consumer Culture 4. Violence, Fundamentalism and Education 5. Green Issues in Education. Praxis. 6. Impediments to the Realisation of Spiritual Education in Hong Kong, and their Possible Mitigation 7. Education for Hope in a Third World Culture: A Review of an Indigenous Educational Project in Uganda and its Spiritual Foundation 8. "Just Tell Them Stories": The Nurture of the Spirit of the Child in Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials 9. Wrestling with the Spirit(ual): Grappling with Theory and Location 10. What is on a Child’s Spiritual Agenda? 11. A Methodology for Addressing Spiritual Education within Religious Education 12. Connection, Resilience and Empathy: the Spiritual Aspects of Education 13. Children’s Spirituality in Social Context: A South African Example 14. Creating an Idyllic World for Children’s Spiritual Formation 15. "Spiritual Development" and Inclusivity: The Need for a Critical Democratic Approach 16. A Risky Business: The Potential of Groupwork for Spiritual Education