Contents; Acknowledgements; Author biographies; Abbreviations of Spinoza’s works; List of figures; Introduction, Beth Lord; 1. Spinoza’s Ontology Geometrically Illustrated: A Reading of Ethics IIP8SM, Valtteri Viljanen; 2. Reason and Body in Spinoza’s Metaphysics, Michael LeBuffe; 3. Ratio and Activity: Spinoza's Biologizing of the Mind in an Aristotelian Key, Heidi M. Ravven; 4. Harmony in Spinoza and His Critics, Timothy Yenter; 5. Ratio as the basis of Spinoza’s concept of equality, Beth Lord; 6. Proportion as a barometer of the affective life in Spinoza, Simon B. Duffy; 7. Spinoza, Heterarchical Ontology and Affective Architecture, Gökhan Kodalak; 8. Dissimilarity: Spinoza's ethical ratios and housing welfare, Peg Rawes; 9. The greater part: How intuition forms better worlds, Stefan White; 10. Slownesses and Speeds, Latitudes and Longitudes: In the Vicinity of Beatitude, Hélène Frichot; 11. The Eyes of the Mind: Proportion in Spinoza, Swift, Ibn Tufayl, Anthony Uhlmann; Bibliography.