Chapter I: The study of political elites: Theoretical framework
i. The sociology of elites
ii. Political elites and social class
iii. Elites, political representation and power structure
v. The study of political elites through their species of capital. Identifying the theoretical contribution of this study
vi. Study of political elites in Latin America and Chile
vii. Political elite research in Chile
viii. Political elites, social capital and species of capital in Chile
ix. Concluding remarks
Chapter II. Political elites and social, political and economic transformations in Latin America
i. Introduction
ii. Political elites and dictatorial regimes
iii. Democratisation processes and the relation between legislative and executive powers
iv. Economic changes and the social structure
v. Conclusions
Chapter III. End of the authoritarian regime and rearticulation of the political elites in Chile
i. Introduction
ii. Origins of the party elites after the political transition
ii.i. 1980 Constitution
ii.ii. 1988 plebiscite and a new political system
ii.iii. Chile in 1988: the transition as a “transaction”
ii.iv. Enclaves after the democratic transition
iii. Conclusions
Chapter IV. Two new coalitions in post-authoritarian Chile: the Concertación and the Alianza
i. Introduction
ii. The Concertación
ii. The Alianza
iii. Conclusions
Chapter V: Political performance of the party elites after Pinochet: 1990-2010
i. Introduction
ii. Transformation of the Chilean party system
iii. A political elite “a la chilena”
iv. Electoral performance of the Chilean political elites, 1990-2010
v. Conclusions
Chapter VI: Research methodology
i. Introduction
ii. Research strategy
iii. Research methods, fieldwork and data analysis
iv. Data analysis: validity, coding and analysis
v. Methodological limitations
v. Conclusions
Chapter VII: The importance of family ties in the Chilean political elite
i. Introduction
ii. The study of family ties within political elites
iii. Chilean political dynasties
iii.i. Errázuriz family: 1770-1990
iii.ii. Montt family: 1770-2015
iii.iii. Alessandri family: 1898-2014
iii.iv. Pinto-Bulnes family: 1810-2011
iii.v. Piñera-Chadwick family: 1811-2015 Frei-Walker family: 1870-2015
iii.vii. Allende family: 1876-2015
iii.viii. Aylwin family: 1957-2003
iv. Family connections within the political elite after Pinochet
v. Conclusions
Chapter VIII. Measuring and comparing species of capital in the Chilean political elite, 1990-2010
i. Introduction
ii. Methodology, hypothesis and techniques of analysis
iii. Results
iii.i. Descriptive analysis
iii.ii. Measuring and comparing species of capital in the Chilean political elite
iv. Conclusions
ix. Conclusions and discussion
i. Principal findings
ii. Towards a research agenda on political elites
Luis Garrido-Vergara is Assistant Professor at the Department of Public Policy and Management at the University of Santiago, Chile (USACH). He received his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Cambridge, UK. His research interests are political elites, public policy, public administration, network analysis, quantitative and qualitative research, local governments and democratization processes in Latin America.
Although sociological research has examined the reproduction of Chile’s elites, there is little empirical evidence as to how different forms of capital operate within them. Based on a survey of the country’s elites, this study examines the effect of different forms of capital (cultural, social and political) on access to strategic positions in the legislative and executive branches of government. It focuses on the political elite between 1990, when military dictator Augusto Pinochet handed over the presidency to Patricio Aylwin, his democratically elected successor, and 2010, the end of President Michelle Bachelet’s first government. At least three points are germane to this analysis: (1) understanding the nature of the party elites during the political transition; (2) describing and explaining the main aspects of the party elites’ background and social resources, including their family networks (independent variables); and (3) exploring the effect of those variables on individuals’ chances of achieving strategic positions in the political field, comparing the legislative and executive branches as represented by deputies and ministers (dependent variable).