A - FUNDAMENTALS 1. Introduction 2. Nonlinear Optics in Multimode Fibers 3. Hollow core PCFs 4. Chalcogenide Photonic Crystal Fibers 5. Light Propagation in Gas Filled Kagomé Hollow-Core Fibers
B - FABRICATION TECHNOLOGY 6. Fluoride Optical Fibers: Fabrication and Applications 7. Fabrication and Applications of Nanostructured Soft-glass Optical Fibres 8. Nano-particles doped silica glass based optical fibers: Fabrication and Application
C - SPECIALTY FIBERS AND APPLICATIONS 9. Plastic Optic Fibers: Types and Applications 10. Large Mode Area Fibers and Their Application as High Power Lasers 11. Mid-infrared Fibers and Their Application to Supercontinuum Generation 12. Multimode Fiber Amplifiers 13. Complex Nonlinear Multimode Fiber Systems 14. Low Nonlinearity Optical Fibers and Their Applications 15. All-fiber Single Photon Sources 16. Ultrafast Fiber Lasers at 2 µm and Applications 17. MW Peak Power Diffraction-limited Chirped-pulse Yb-doped Tapered Fiber Amplifier 18. New Fiber Probes for Biosensing and Imaging 19. Gas-Filled Hollow Core Fiber Laser in the Mid-infrared