Spatio-Temporal Drought Characterization and Forecasting Using Indices and Artificial Neural Networks. A Case of the Upper Tana River Basin, Kenya » książka
ABOUT THE AUTHORRaphael M. Wambua completed his Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Agricultural Engineering from Egerton University, specializing in Soil and Water Resources Engineering. in addition, he holds a Master of Science and Bachelor of Science Degree in Agricultural Engineering. He had his short experience as a trainee with FMD East Africa (ltd), a Company that deals with Farm Machinery. He started teaching as a Tutorial and Research Fellow and later as a Lecturer at Egerton University and South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU).Dr. Raphael M. Wambua has taught courses such as Research Methods, Water Resources Engineering, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Soil and Water Management, Hydraulic structures and water Management, Fam Structures, Farm Mechanization, Engineering survey and Water Resources Development, Fluid Mechanics. He has also been involved in training Engineering Practice, development and implementation of community based projects, training farmers, organizing and co-coordinating seminars and conferences. He has in addition been involved in University administration currently he is the Head of the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Egerton University, and previously led the departmental office of examinations and time tabling coordinator. Raphael M. Wambua joined South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU) in 2009, where he was involved in teaching and development of the University academic programmes. At SEKU he had been the ag-Dean, School of Engineering and Technology, Chairman of Department of Agricultural Engineering and Time-tabling co-coordinator. He has conducted research and published a number of journal and book articles. He is an international Member of Institution of Agricultural Engineers (MIAgrE), Registered Graduate Engineer with Engineers Board of Kenya (EBK), Graduate Member in the Institution of Engineers of Kenya (IEK), and a member of World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWC).