PART I: TERRITORIALITIES AND SCALES 1. Overcoming the Material/Social Divide: Conflict Studies from the Perspective of Spatial Theory; Sven Chojnacki and Bettina Engels 2. Territoriality in Civil War: The Ignored Territorial Dimensions of Violent Conflict in North Kivu, DR Congo; Martin Doevenspeck 3. Armed Conflict and Space: Exploring Urban-Rural Patterns of Violence; Kristine Höglund, Erik Melander, Margareta Sollenberg and Ralph Sundberg PART II: GLOBAL AND LOCAL 4. Reading Urban Landscapes of War and Peace: The Case of Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo; Karen Büscher 5. The Camp, the Street, the Hotel, and the Brothel — the Gendered, Racialised Spaces of a City in Crisis: Dili, 2006-2008; Henri Myrttinen 6. Local Agency in 'Global' Spaces? The engagement of Iraqi women's NGOs with CEDAW; Annika Henrizi PART III: BOUNDARIES AND BORDERS 7. Space, Class and Peace: Spatial Governmentality in Post-War and Post-Socialist Bosnia and Herzegovina; Elena B. Stavrevska 8. Bluffing the State: Spatialities of Contested Statehood in the Abkhazian-Georgian Conflict; Jolle Demmers and Mikel Venhovens 9. Urban Space as an Agent of Conflict and 'Peace': Marginalised Im/mobilities and the Predicament of Exclusive-Inclusion among Palestinians in Tel Aviv; Andreas Hackl 10. Reframing the Olympic Games as a Space of Contestation Rather than a Fixed Place: Uncovering New Spatial Stories of (De)Securitisation; Faye Donnelly PART IV: PLACES AND SITES 11. Where Conflict and Peace Take Place: Memorialisation, Sacralisation and Post-Conflict Space; Laura Michael, Brendan Murtagh and Linda Price 12. Seeing and Unseeing the Dome of Rocks: Conflict, Memory, and Belonging in Jerusalem; Nina Fischer 13. Belfast, 'The Shared City'? Spatial Narratives of Conflict Transformation; Milena Komarova and Liam O'Dowd 14. Geographies of Crime and Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Zala Vol?i? and Olivera Simi?
Annika Björkdahl is Professor at Lund University and the Editor-in-Chief of Cooperation and Conflict. She researches peacebuilding, gender and transitional justice. Her publications include Rethinking Peacebuilding (2013) and articles in Security Dialogue, Millennium, Human Rights Review, and Journal of European Public Policy.
Susanne Buckley-Zistel is Professor for Peace Conflict Studies and Director of the Center for Conflict Studies, Marburg University, Germany, and Senior Fellow at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg for Global Cooperation Research at the University Duisburg-Essen, Germany. Her research focuses on issues pertaining to peace and conflict, violence, gender and transitional justice.
There has been no sustained inquiry into the relationship linking peace and conflict with space and place. This innovative edited volume explores conflict and peace through spatial approaches, and proposes a new research agenda investigating where peace and conflict take place. All chapters employ space as an analytic category and develop strong theoretical contributions alongside new empirical insights. From battlefields to memorials, places of encounter shape how agents relate to each other and how their actions are enabled or constrained. Moreover, spaces such as the international peacekeepers camps or sites of atrocity would not exist if it were not for the conflict. Drawing on concepts such as spatial governmentality, scalar politics, relational spatial theory and spatial narratives the authors investigate case studies reaching from divided cities such as Belfast, Dili and Jerusalem, via rape camps and karaoke bars, to war-torn countries.