"Spacecraft Dynamics and Control approaches the problem of controlling a spacecraft from a model-based control perspective. Both orbit and attitude control are dealt with, although more focus is given on the latter. In my opinion, there are two main strengths of this book. Being the result of authors' collaboration with ESA, the book presents the material with a focus on practical applications. The case studies and proposed and solved exercises are carefully designed and they are a critical support for reading comprehension and self-assessment. This book distinguishes itself by the focus on strong model-based control. As such I consider it useful for researchers and practitioners with classical control theory expertise to familiarise with astrodynamics problems and for those with a more physics-based background to get their hands on spacecraft control control problems. Undergraduate and graduate students will find this book useful to understand fundamentals concepts and to carry out individual or group projects. The notation used and terminology is sometimes non-standard, however this does not impair upon the reading much as consistency is preserved along the manuscript.
"In my opinion, there are two main strengths of this book. Being the result of authors' collaboration with ESA, the book presents the material with a focus on practical applications. The case studies and proposed and solved exercises are carefully designed and they are a critical support for reading comprehension and self-assessment. This book distinguishes itself by the focus on strong model-based control. As such I consider it useful for researchers and practitioners with classical control theory expertise to familiarise with astrodynamics problems and for those with a more physics-based background to get their hands on spacecraft control control problems. Undergraduate and graduate students will find this book useful to understand fundamentals concepts and to carry out individual or group projects. The notation used and terminology is sometimes non-standard, however this does not impair upon the reading much as consistency is preserved along the manuscript." --The Aeronautical Journal
1. Introduction 2. Attitude Representation 3. Orbital Dynamics 4. The Environment: Perturbing Forces and Torques 5. Perturbed Orbital Dynamics 6. Attitude Kinematics: Modeling and Feedback 7. Attitude Dynamics: Modeling and Control 8. Orbit and Attitude Sensors 9. Orbit and Attitude Actuators 10. Attitude Determination 11. Orbital Control and Prediction Problems 12. Attitude Control: A Case Study 13. Introduction to Dynamic Systems 14. Introduction to Embedded Model Control Index