IntroductionHow To Use The ManualExample of Using the Manual-100 Gallon Ethylbenzene Spill on landCERCLA Liquids Indices and Sorbent Selection and Use GuidesSorbent DataTable 2-1 Sorption Capacities of Representative Sorbent/Hazardous Liquid PairsTable 2-2 Representative Hazardous Liquid/Water Preference IndicesTable 2-3 Sorbent Data Sheet IndexSorbent Data SheetsTechnical/Logistical InformationSorbent Application-Land Spills and Floating SpillsSorbent Collection-Land Spills and Floating SpillsSorbents for Landfilling of LiquidsSorbent ReuseSorbent DisposalCost Estimation Procedures and DataEquipmentMaterialsLaborDisposal CostsTransporation CostsTest MethodsSorbent Testing Procedures Used For This ProjectASTM F716-82GSA P-A-1056BWestinghouseRensselaerUSCG