ISBN-13: 9783030110321 / Angielski / Twarda / 2019 / 228 str.
ISBN-13: 9783030110321 / Angielski / Twarda / 2019 / 228 str.
Preamble.- Introduction.- For who and why? The target group and the meaning of this book.- How to use this book effectively – an instruction manual.- Neck.- Ganglion cervicale medium.- Nervus accessories.- Nervus auricularis magnus.- Nervus dorsalis scapulae.- Nervus facialis: Ramus colli.- Nervus hypoglossus 1 (Diaphragma oris).- Nervus hypoglossus 2 (Trigonum caroticum).- Nervus laryngeus inferior.- Nervus laryngeus recurrens.- Nervus laryngeus superior.- Nervus laryngeus superior: Ramus externus.- Nervus laryngeus superior: Ramus internus.- Nervus occipitalis major.- Nervus occipitalis minor.- Nervus occipitalis tertius.- Nervus phrenicus.- Nervus subclavius.- Nervus(i) supraclavicularis(es).- Nervus suprascapularis.- Nervus thoracicus longus 1 (Fossa supraclavicularis major).- Nervus transversus colli.- Nervus vagus.- Plexus cervicalis: Ramus trapezius.- Upper Arm-Lower Arm-Hand.- Upper Arm.- Medianus fork.- Nervus axillaris [anterior approach].- Nervus axillaris [posterior approach].- Nervus cutaneus antebrachii lateralis.- Nervus cutaneus antebrachii medialis 1 (Axilla).- Nervus cutaneus antebrachii medialis 2 (Sulcus bicipitalis medialis).- Nervus cutaneus antebrachii posterior.- Nervus cutaneus brachii lateralis superior.- Nervus cutaneus brachii medialis.- Nervus cutaneus brachii posterior.- Nervus medianus.- Nervus musculocutaneus.- Nervus radialis.- Nervus ulnaris.- Lower Arm-Hand.- Nervus(i) digitalis(es) palmaris(es) communis(es).- Nervus(i) digitalis(es) palmaris(es) proprius(i).- Nervus medianus: Ramus muscularis thenaris.- Nervus medianus: Ramus palmaris.- Nervus radialis: Nervus interosseus antebrachii posterior.- Nervus radialis: Ramus profundus (proximal approach).- Nervus radialis: Ramus superficialis (proximal approach).- Nervus radialis: Ramus superficialis (distal approach).- Nervus ulnaris: Ramus dorsalis manus.- Nervus ulnaris: Ramus palmaris.- Nervus ulnaris: Ramus profundus 1 (Hypothenar: ulnar-proximal).- Nervus ulnaris: Ramus profundus 2 (Hypothenar: palmar-distal).- Nervus ulnaris: Ramus superficialis.- Trunk.- Nervi clunium medii.- Nervi clunium superiores.- Nervus coccygeus.- Nervus genitofemoralis: Ramus femoralis.- Nervus genitofemoralis: Ramus genitalis.- Nervus iliohypogastricus & Nervus ilioinguinalis.- Nervus iliohypogastricus: Ramus cutaneus anterior.- Nervus iliohypogastricus: Ramus cutaneus lateralis.- Nervus(i) intercostobrachialis(es).- Nervus intercostobrachialis II.- Nervi pectorales mediales et laterales (cranial approach).- Nervi pectorales mediales et laterales (caudal approach).- Nervus subscapularis.- Nervus thoracicus longus 2 (Fossa infraclavicularis).- Nervus thoracicus longus 3 (Regio thoracica lateralis).- Nervus thoracodorsalis.- Gluteal region.- Nervi clunium inferiores.- Nervus gluteus inferior.- Nervus gluteus superior.- Nervus ischiadicus 1 (subgluteal).- Nervus pudendus.- Thigh-Lower Leg-Foot.- Thigh.- Nervus cutaneus femoris lateralis.- Nervus cutaneus femoris posterior.- Nervus femoralis.- Nervus femoralis: Rami cutanei anteriores.- Nervus ischiadicus 2 (infragluteal).- Nervus obturatorius.- Nervus obturatorius: Ramus anterior et posterior.- Nervus obturatorius: Ramus cutaneus.- Nervus saphenus 1 (Trigonum femorale).- Nervus saphenus 2 (Canalis adductorius).- Nervus saphenus 3 (Subsartorielles Kompartiment).- Nervus saphenus: Ramus infrapatellaris 1 (suprapatellar: Regio femoralis anterior).- Lower leg-Foot.- Nervus cutaneus dorsalis lateralis.- Nervus cutaneus doraslis medialis et intermedius.- Nervus cutaneus surae lateralis.- Nervus cutaneus surae medialis.- Nervus(i) digitalis(es) dorsalis(es) pedis.- Nervus(i) digitalis(es) plantaris(es) communis(es).- Nervus(i) digitalis(es) plantaris(es) proprius(i).- Nervus fibularis communis.- Nervus fibularis profundus 1 (Dorsum pedis).- Nervus fibularis profundus 2 (terminales Segment).- Nervus fibularis superficialis.- Nervus plantaris lateralis: Ramus profundus.- Nervus plantaris lateralis: Ramus superficialis.- Nervus plantaris medialis et. lateralis 1 (Planta pedis).- Nervus plantaris medialis et lateralis 2 (Tarsaltunnel).- Nervus saphenus 4 (Regio cruralis posterior).- Nervus saphenus 5 (terminales Segment am Unterschenkel).- Nervus saphenus: Ramus infrapatellaris 2 (infrapatellar: Regio genus).- Nervus suralis.- Nervus suralis: Rami calcanei laterales.- Nervus tibialis.- Nervus tibialis: Rami calcanei mediales.
Hannes Gruber is associate Professor of Radiology, Specialist of musculoskeletal Radiology and - as Head of the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Sonography at the Department of Radiology of the Medical University of Innsbruck - one of the of the pioneers of (diagnostic) nerve sonography. Hannes Gruber as author, co-author, editor and co-editor of an extensive number of relevant articles, book-chapters and books is also member of the Österreichische Röntgengesellschaft (ÖRG) and Head of the Austrian Society of Ultrasound in Medicine (ÖGUM) nerve-sonography working committee. He is also certificate holder of the Austrian Society of Ultrasound in Medicine (ÖGUM)/ EFSUMB (European of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology) for nerve sonography (level III course instructor), musculoskeletal sonography (level III course instructor) and abdominal sonography (level III course instructor) and management board member of the Austrian Society of Ultrasound in Medicine (ÖGUM). Hannes Gruber also holds the certificate of the Austrian Society of Interventional Radiology (ÖGIR - level II) for Interventional Radiology and Sonography.
This first of its kind richly illustrated book provides a tabular and schematic representation of all the peripheral nerves in the human body using a standardized landmark-based algorithm for the definition of the nerve’s “Point of optimal visibility (POV)”. In this atlas the nerves of the human body are depicted with high-frequent ultrasound probes with frequencies up to 24 MHz: it presents not only the “known” large nerves (N. ischiadicus, N. femoralis, N. medianus etc.), but also the tiny nerves you have learned in your anatomy sessions but forgotten in the course of time! Based on clear illustrations using palpaple/visible external and easily accessible internal landmarks, it offers “nerve sonographers” a clear sonoanatomic guidance on how to easily find the nerve. Additionally, it describes the exact positioning of the probe so that each nerve can be found at its point of optimal visibility.
These mental maps for nerve sonographeurs are intended not only for beginners but also for “advanced” specialists requiring instructions on how to easily find even tiny peripheral nerves: especially for neurologists, anaesthesiologists, radiologists, pain practionioners, rheumatologists and surgeons who seek a clear standardized step by step manual on “Where do I find a nerve the easiest?”
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