Software Verification: 12th International Conference, Vstte 2020, and 13th International Workshop, Nsv 2020, Los Angeles, Ca, Usa, July 20-21 » książka
SARL: OO Framework Specification for Static Analysis.- QPR Verify: A Static Analysis Tool for Embedded Software based on Bounded Model Checking.- Verified Translation Between Purely Functional and Imperative Domain Specific Languages in HELIX.- Automatic Detection and Repair of Transition-Based Leakage in Software Binaries.- BanditFuzz: A Reinforcement-Learning based Performance Fuzzer for SMT Solvers.- Synthesis of Solar Photovoltaic Systems: Optimal Sizing Comparison.- Verfied Transformations and Hoare Logic: Beautiful Proofs for Ugly Assembly Language.- MCBAT: Model Counting for Constraints over Bounded Integer Arrays.- Optimized NTT Algorithm.- Can We Avoid Rounding-Error Estimation in HPC Codes and Still Get Trustworthy Results? .- An Efficient Floating-Point Bit-Blasting API for Verifying C Programs.- Rigorous Enclosure of Round-O Errors in Floating-Point Computations : Towards Numerical Assistants: Trust, Measurement, Community, and Generality for the Numerical Workbench.- Combining Zonotope Abstraction and Constraint Programming for Synthesizing Inductive Invariants.- SARL: OO Framework Speci cation for Static Analysis.- QPR Verify: A Static Analysis Tool for Embedded Software based on Bounded Model Checking.- Veri ed Translation Between Purely Functional and Imperative Domain Specific Languages in HELIX.- Automatic Detection and Repair of Transition-Based Leakage in Software Binaries.- BanditFuzz: A Reinforcement-Learning based Performance Fuzzer for SMT Solvers.- Synthesis of Solar Photovoltaic Systems: Optimal Sizing Comparison.- Veri ed Transformations and Hoare Logic: Beautiful Proofs for Ugly Assembly Language.- MCBAT: Model Counting for Constraints over Bounded Integer Arrays.- Verification of an Optimized NTT Algorithm.- Can We Avoid Rounding-Error Estimation in HPC Codes and Still Get Trustworthy Results? .- An Efficient Floating-Point Bit-Blasting API for Verifying C Programs.- Rigorous Enclosure of Round-O Errors in Floating-Point Computations.- Towards Numerical Assistants: Trust, Measurement, Community, and Generality for the Numerical Workbench.- Combining Zonotope Abstraction and Constraint Programming for Synthesizing Inductive Invariants.