Invited Papers.- RoboWorld: Where Can My Robot Work?.- Validating Safety Arguments with Lean.- Run-time Analysis and Testing.- Runtime Enforcement with Reordering, Healing, and Suppression.- Monitoring First-Order Interval Logic.- Exhaustive Property Oriented Model-based Testing With Symbolic Finite State Machines.- nfer - A Tool for Event Stream Abstraction.- Mining Shape Expressions with ShapeIt.- Security and Privacy.- Refining Privacy-Aware Data Flow Diagrams.- Hybrid Information Flow Control for Low-level Code.- Upper Bound Computation of Information Leakages for Unbounded Recursion.- On the Security and Safety of AbU Systems.- Parallel Composition/CSP and Probabilistic Reasoning.- Parallelized sequential composition and hardware weak memory models.- Checking Opacity and Durable Opacity with FDR.- Translation of CCS into CSP, Correct up toStrong Bisimulation.- Probabilistic BDI Agents: Actions, Plans, and Intentions.- A Debugger for Probabilistic Programs.- Verification and Synthesis.- Verification of Programs with Exceptions through Operator-Precedence Automata.- Counterexample Classification.- Be Lazy and Don't Care: Faster CTL Model Checking for Recursive State Machines.- Fairness, Assumptions, and Guarantees for Extended Bounded Response LTL synthesis.- TACoS: A Tool for MTL Controller Synthesis.- Emerging Domains.- Lightweight Nontermination Inference with CHCs.- A Denotational Semantics of Solidity in Isabelle/HOL.- Configuration Space Exploration for Digital Printing Systems.- Bit-precise Verification of Discontinuity Errors Under Fixed-point Arithmetic.- Machine Learning and Cyber-Physical Systems.- OSIP: Tightened Bound Propagation for the Verification of ReLU Neural Networks.- Active Model Learning of Stochastic Reactive Systems.- Mixed-Neighborhood, Multi-Speed Cellular Automata for Safety-Aware Pedestrian Prediction.
Chapter 'Configuration Space Exploration for Digital Printing Systems' is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via