ECSA 2020 Doctoral Symposium track.- ECSA 2020 Tool Demos track.- ECSA 2020 Gender Diversity in Software Architecture &Software Engineering track.- CASA - 3rd International Workshop on Context-aware, Autonomous and Smart Architecture.- CSE/QUDOS - Joint Workshop on Continuous Software Engineering and Quality-Aware DevOps.- DETECT - 3rd International Workshop on Modeling, Verication and Testing of Dependable Critical Systems.- FAACS-MDE4SA - Joint Workshop on Formal Approaches for Advanced Computing Systems and Model-Driven Engineering for Software Architecture.- IoT-ASAP - 4th International Workshop on Engineering IoT Systems: Architectures, Services, Applications, and Platforms.- SASI4 - 2nd Workshop on Systems, Architectures, and Solutions for Industry 4.0.- WASA - 6th International Workshop on Automotive System/Software Architecture.