Foreword xiPreface xiiiAcknowledgments xviiIntroduction: Professionals in a Digital World 1Part I: Principles of Successful Professionals 7Chapter 1: Self- Responsibility 9Chapter 2: Result Orientation 21Chapter 3: Focus 33Chapter 4: Leverage Strengths 43Chapter 5: Think Positively 53Chapter 6: Action Orientation 67Part II: Tasks 77Chapter 7: Marketing 79Chapter 8: Setting Goals 111Chapter 9: Planning and Organizing 123Chapter 10: Decision Making 129Chapter 11: Developing and Promoting People 139Chapter 12: Control 149Part III: Tools 155Chapter 13: Self- Management 157Chapter 14: Mental Training 175Chapter 15: Rhetoric 193Chapter 16: Effective Communication Tools 217Chapter 17: Work- Life- Balanced- Scorecard 227Conclusion: Outlook into the Future 239About the Author 243Bibliography 245Index 249
ANDREAS CREUTZMANN is a valuation expert, entrepreneur and speaker. He is a German CPA (Wirtschaftspruefer), German Tax Consultant (Steuerberater), and Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA). As the founder and chairman of EACVA, Andreas Creutzmann initiated and established the Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) in Europe. The National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA, calls Andreas an "Industry Titan" of the Valuation Profession. He is a speaker and lecturer in the field of finances, investment, and business valuations as well as in the area of marketing and management of professionals.