Social Needs Versus Economic Efficiency in China: Sun Yefang's Critique of Socialist Economics / Edited and Translated with an Introduction by K.K. Fu » książka
1. Build Planning and Statistics on the Law of Value 2. "Gross Output" and Related Issues 3. The Role of "Value" 4. On the Financial and Economic System within the Whole People Ownership Economy (Research Report) 5. An Introduction to Circulation 6. Pursue Socialist Profit with Confidence
A graduate of the U niversity of Hong Kong, K. K. Fung received a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University. In 1964-65 he taught at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in 1970-75 he taught at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, and since 1975 he has been on the faculty of Memphis State University where he is now an associate professor of economics.