Contents: Part I:Social Learnlng: Theoretical and Methodological Issues.B.G. Galef, Jr., Imitation in Animals: History, Definition, and Interpretation of Data from the Psychological Laboratory. R. Boyd, P.J. Richerson, An Evolutionary Model of Social Learnlng: The Effects of Spatial and Temporal Variation.Part II:Social Influences on Avoidance Learning.S. Mineka, M. Cook, Social Learning and the Acquisition of Snake Fear in Monkeys. E. Curio, Cultural Transmission of Enemy Recognition by Birds. J.R. Mason, Direct and Observational Learning by Red-Winged Blackbirds (Agelaius Phoeniceus): The Importance of Complex Visual Stimuli. Part III:Social Influences on Foraging and Feeding.B.G. Galef, Jr., Communication and Information Concerning Distant Diets in a Social, Central-Place Foraging Species: Rattus Norvegicus. L. Lefebvre, B. Palameta, Mechanisms, Ecology, and Population Diffusion of Socially-Learned, Food-Finding Behavior in Feral Pigeons. P. Rozin, Social Learning About Food by Humans. Part IV:Social Learning of Arbitrary Responses.T.R. Zentall, Experimentally Manipulated Imitative Behavior in Rats and Pigeons. M.R. Denny, C.F. Clos, R.C. Bell, Learning in the Rat of a Choice Response by Observation of S-S Contingencies. D.E. Hogan, Learned Imitation by Pigeons. D. Mainardi, M. Mainardi, Culture and Genetics in the House Mouse. Part V:Social Influences on Communication.L. Petrinovich, The Role of Social Factors in White-Crowned Sparrow Song Development. I.M. Pepperberg, The Importance of Social Interaction and Observation in the Acquisition of Communicative Competence: Possible Parallels Between Avian and Human Learning. E.F. Masur, Infants Imitation of Novel and Familiar Behaviors. A.N. Meltzoff, The Human Infant as "Homo Imitans".