An Introduction to Social Justice in Physical Education: Critical Reflections and Pedagogies for Change, Lynn Randall and Daniel B. Robinson
Chapter 1: ""I Guess People Are More Attracted to White People than Black People"": Shedding Light on Racial Prejudice, Misrepresentation, and (In)Visibility of Ethnic Minority Bodies, Laura Azzarito, Mara Simon, and Risto Marttinen
Chapter 2: Culturally Relevant Strategies for Inclusion of Hispanic Students in Physical Education, Luis Columna, Michelle Dolphin, and Lindsay McCabe
Chapter 3: Towards a Critical Discourse on the Black Experience in Canada and the United States: Implications for Physical Education, Brian Culp and Martha James-Hassan
Chapter 4: Girls and Physical Education: New Starting Points for Critical Pedagogy, Eimear Enright and Louise McCuaig
Chapter 5: Rethinking ""Straight Pedagogy"": Gender, Sexuality, and Physical Education, Katie Fitzpatrick and Hayley McGlashan
Chapter 6: Looking Over Our Shoulders: Disability in Physical Education from a Critical Perspective, William Harvey
Chapter 7: Seeking the Fountain of Mental Health in Physical Education?, William Harvey, Shawn Wilkinson, and Marie Varriano