COVID-Related Focus.- Malicious and Low Credibility URLs on Twitter during the AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Development.- How Political is the Spread of COVID-19 in the United States? An Analysis using Transportation and Weather Data.- Applying an Epidemiological Model to Evaluate the Propagation of Misinformation and Legitimate COVID-19-related Information on Twitter.- Optimization of Mitigation Strategies during Epidemics using Offline Reinforcement Learning.- Mining Online Social Media to Drive Psychologically Valid Agent Models of Regional Covid-19 Mask Wearing.- Fine-Grained Analysis of the Use of Neutral and Controversial Terms for COVID-19 on Social Media.- Methodologies.- Assessing Bias in YouTube’s Video Recommendation Algorithm in a Cross-lingual and Cross-topical Context.- Formal Methods for an Iterated Volunteer's Dilemma.- Privacy Preserving Text Representation Learning Using BERT.- GPU Accelerated PMCMC Algorithm with System Dynamics Modelling.- An Analysis of Global News Coverage of Refugees using a Big Data Approach.- An Identity-Based Framework for Generalizable Hate Speech Detection.- Using Diffusion of Innovations Theory to Study Connective Action Campaigns.- Reinforcement Learning For Data Poisoning on Graph Neural Networks.- Social Cybersecurity and Social Networks.- Simulating Social-Cyber Maneuvers to Deter Disinformation Campaigns.- Studying the Role of Social Bots During Cyber Flash Mobs.- The Integrated Game Transformation Framework and Cyberwar: What 2x2 Games tell us about Cyberattacks.- Bot-based Emotion Behavior Differences in Images during Kashmir Black Day Event.- Using Social Network Analysis to Analyze Development priorities of Moroccan Institutions.- Influence Dynamics Among Narratives: A Case Study of the Venezuelan Presidential Crisis.- Network Structures and Humanitarian Need.- Identifying Shifts in Collective Attention to Topics on Social Media.- A Secure Helpline for Detecting Psychosocial Aid from Reports of Unlawful Killings in the Philippines.- Human and Agent Modeling.- Agent-based Modeling of Opinion Polarization in Chinese Online Live Streaming Platforms.- Having a Bad Day? Detecting the Impact of Atypical Events Using Wearable Sensors.- Trusty Ally or Faithless Snake: Modeling the Role of Human Memory and Expectations in Social Exchange.- Examining the Effects of Race on Human-AI Cooperation.- Tweeting while Pregnant: Is Online Health Communication about Physical Symptoms and Emotions about the Tweeter.- On the Effect of Social Norms on Performance in Teams with Distributed Decision Makers.- What Makes A Turing Award Winner.- Kinetic Action and Radicalization: A Case Study of Pakistan.- Multi-Agent Naïve Utility Calculus: Intent Inference in the Stag-Hunt Game.