Algebres pre-inclinees et categories derivees.- Stable calculus of the mixed tensor character I.- Filtrations of right ideals related to projectivity of left ideals.- Hochschild cohomology of finite—dimensional algebras.- Simultaneous equivalence of square matrices.- The Auslander condition on noetherian rings.- Groupe des classes de diviseurs des algebres graduees normales.- Differential operators on smooth varieties.- The Auslander condition on graded and filtered noetherian rings.- K-theory of Noetherian rings.- Operateurs differentiels sur les surfaces munies d'une bonne ?*-action.- Strongly filtered rings applied to Gabber's integrability theorem and modules with regular singularities.- Primitive ideals of algebras over uncountable fields.- Formes reduites des automorphismes analytiques de ?n a variete lineaire fixe et repulsive.