ISBN-13: 9781500740801 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 92 str.
David, now eighteen has proven himself to be a fearless leader in the face of danger. For that last two years, he and Ziek have been waging a personal campaign of revenge on the satyrs for the death David's biological mother, and it's starting to get under Azazel's skin. Unfortunately for David, Satyrs, linocerous, and hybrid giants were just the beginning of his problems. After Azazel gives Bacchus the order to have David ripped limb from limb, things take an unfortunate turn for our hero. Separated from his family and friends, he must fight his way back to the safety of the underground city, while making new allies and enemies in the process. ***VISIT THE SILENT SCREAMERS WEBSITE***