Chapter 1: Reading the wall-surface:
John Ruskin, William Butterfield, and George Edmund Street
Chapter 2: ‘Think first of the walls’: Surfaces of Romance –
Morris, Webb, and the Arts and Crafts Domestic Interior
Chapter 3: Smooth and Rough:
George Frederick Bodley and Edward Schröder Prior
Chapter 4: Carving the Surface:
Edwardian and Inter-War Architecture and Sculpture
Chapter 5: Surfaces and Sharawaggi:
Aspects of the Picturesque c 1925-1955
Chapter 6: As-Found: Surfaces of Brutalism
Chapter 7: Pattern, Abstraction, Post-Modernism:
Lubetkin – Pasmore – Stirling
Chapter 8: High-Tech, Neo-Vernacular, New Materiality:
Richard Rogers – Ralph Erskine – Caruso St John