1 Troubled Waters 2 Seduction 3 Power 4 Opportunity, 5 Self-interest 6 Morality 7 The Question of Personal Regard 8 Like Client, Like Clinician 9 Relationships Among Staff Members 10 Liabilities, Guidelines
JERRY EDELWICH, M.S.W., C.I.S.W., is Assistant Professor of Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Counseling at Manchester Community College, Manchester, Connecticut. He pioneered both in studying the formerly taboo area of client-clinician sexual dynamics and in developing practical guidelines for clinician training in this area. Edelwich is Director of the New England Association of Reality Therapy, which conducts training on a regional, national, and international scale. ARCHIE BRODSKY, a professional writer, is senior research associate at the Program in Psychiatry and the Law, Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Harvard Medical School.