1.Sex, sexuality and sexual health in Southern Africa. Part I: Gender and sexuality diversity. 2.Border crossings: Trans allyship in Southern Africa. 3.Beyond borders: Reproducing and challenging homophobic norms in Zimbabwe. 4.Civil society organisations responding to homophobia and transphobia in Namibian schools. Part II: Love, pleasure and respect.5.Young women’s experiences of intimate partner violence, respect and agency in South African informal settlements. 6.The free sex (talk) boys and men might want. 7.More to be desired: the need to engage men and couples around communication, sexual pleasure and consent in Southern African safer sex interventions. Part III: Gender, sexual violence and health. 8.Men’s emotions, violence and change. 9.Power, visibility and sexual and reproductive health in southern Africa. 10.Examining the gendered experiences of migrant and refugee women in Southern Africa. Part IV: Sexuality, gender and sexual justice. 11.Refining youth sexualities empowerment programmes: the development of the Masizixhobise toolkit based on a critical sexual and reproductive citizenship framework. 12.Thinking with creativity, affect and embodiment in sexual justice scholarship. 13.Gender and sexuality diversity in Southern Africa. Afterword