Seven Figures in the History of Swedish Economic Thought: Knut Wicksell, Eli Heckscher, Bertil Ohlin, Torsten Gårdlund, Sven Rydenfelt, Staffan Burens » książka
Preface 1 Introduction: Unknown Writings 2 The Reaction to Knut Wicksell's First Cause Célèbre: The Chief Cause of Social Misfortunes 3 Population Growth and Diminishing Returns: Knut Wicksell on the Causes of Poverty 4 Knut Wicksell on Population and Poverty: A General Equilibrium Approach 5 Foreign Trade and Exchange Rates: The Theoretical Contributions of Eli Heckscher to International Economics 6 The Janus Face of Eli Heckscher: Theory, History and Method 7 The Beginning of Economic History 8 Eli Heckscher and the Colleagues: The Role of Personality for Economic History 9 The Economist Bertil Ohlin: Do His Ideas Still Stand Up? 10 Torsten Gårdlund: Littérateur and Economist 11 Torsten Gårdlund: A Portrait 12 Against the Current: Sven Rydenfelt (1911-2005) 13 Sven Rydenfelt: The Awkward Polemic 14 To Be an Independent Thinker: An Intellectual Portrait of Staffan Burenstam Linder 15 Visions and Action 16 Jaime Behar (1938-2010) 17 A Tradition Lost? The Swedish Economists in the Public Debate
Mats Lundahl is Professor at Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden.