Tables and charts, Maps, Plates, Abbreviations and conventions, Preface, Acknowledgements, PART I. THE SETTING AND THE SCHEMES, 1. The Significance and Study of Settlement Schemes, 2. The Background and Origins of Settlement Schemes in Africa, PART II. THE MWEA SCHEME: AN ADMINISTRATIVE CASE HISTORY, 3. Environment and Origins, 4. Changing the Land, 5. Ruling the Settlers, 6. Organizing Production and Growth, 1960-1966, PART III. SETTLEMENT SCHEMES AS ORGANIZATIONS, 7. The Actors: Staff and Settlers, 8. Staff-Settler Organization, 9. Organizational Ecology, PART IV. ANALYSIS AND IMPLICATIONS, 10. Phases, Activities and Organizations, 11. Types of Settlement Scheme, 12. Some Practical Implications, Concluding, Bibliography, Index