Part I. Methodology: 1. Analysis of grip forces during object manipulation J. Hermsdörfer; 2. Kinematic assessment of grasping U. Castiello and C. Ansuini; 3. Digit forces in multi-digit grasps V. M. Zatsiorsky and M. Latash; 4. Recordings from the motor cortex during skilled grasping T. Brochier and R. Lemon; 5. Recording of EMG activity in the monkey during skilled grasping T. Brochier and R. Lemon; 6. Transcranial magnetic stimulation investigations of reaching and grasping movements G. Koch and R. C. Rothwell; 7. Neuroimaging of grasping H. H. Ehrsson; 8. fMRI studies of the basal ganglia and precision grip M. B. Spraker, D. M. Corcos and D. E. Vaillancourt; 9. Models for the control of grasping E. Oztop and M. Kawato; Part II. The Physiology of Grasping: 10. The study of hand movements during grasping: a historical perspective M. Jeannerod; 11. Sensory control of object manipulation R. S. Johansson and R. S. Flanagan; 12. Predictive mechanisms and object representations used in object manipulation R. S. Flanagan, K. Merrit and R. S. Johansson; 13. The neurohaptic control of the hand A. Smith; 14. Points for precision grip A. M. Wing and S. J. Lederman; 15. Two hands in object oriented action S. Endo, A. M. Wing and M. Bracewell; 16. Dynamic grasp control during gait P. Gysin, T. R. Kaminski and A. M. Gordon; 17. Development of grasping and object manipulation B. Vollmer and H. Forssberg; 18. The effects of ageing on sensorimotor control of the hand K. Cole; Part III. The Pathophysiology of Grasping: 19. Somatosensory disorders J. Hermsdörfer and D. A. Nowak; 20. Multi-digit grasping and manipulation: effect of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome on force coordination J. A. Johnston and M. Santello; 21. Stroke C. Lang and M. Schieber; 22. Prehension characteristics in Parkinson's disease T. S. Flink and G. E. Stelmach; 23. Grip force analysis in Huntington's disease – a biomarker for clinical trials? R. Reilmann; 24. Traumatic brain injury J. Kuhtz-Buschbeck; 25. Focal hand dystonia S. Prio Richardson and M. Hallett; 26. Cerebellar disorders M. Manto and D. A. Nowak; 27. Tremor L. Timmermann, J. Raethjen and G. Deuschl; 28. Schizophrenia D. A. Nowak; Part IV. Therapy of Impaired Grasping: 29. Stroke therapy D. A. Nowak and J. Hermsdörfer; 30. Functional reorganisation and neuromodulation, C. Grefkes and G. R. Fink; 31. Intensive training of upper extremity function in children with cerebral palsy A. M. Gordon and K. M. Friel; 32. Therapy of sensorimotor dysfunction of the hand in Parkinson's disease R. Wenzelburger; 33. Therapy of focal hand dystonia K. Zeuner, B. Baur and H. R. Siebner; 34. Therapy of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus D. A Nowak.