ISBN-13: 9781484162675 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 126 str.
ISBN-13: 9781484162675 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 126 str.
eBay, Amazon, Etsy, & Fiverr
So many choices
How do you decide?
Which site is right for your online business?
Many books promise to share the secrets to getting wealthy selling online. They tell you to sell this or that product, or to try this top secret listing method, or to sign up for this course. But, that's all they are - promises.
Sell It Online is different.
It's written by a real eBay Power Seller and Top Rated Seller. One who's been selling on eBay and Amazon for over fifteen years.
Most importantly, Sell It Online doesn't make any crazy promises that you'll make a million dollars overnight selling on any of these sites. It's not going to happen. It also doesn't tell you that you can make three thousand dollars a month following my method, because those kinds of promises don't make sense.
Anyone can make money selling online. But, you aren't going to make a fortune following someone else's plan.
If you want to make money selling online, you need to understand
. The ecommerce sites that are out there so you can choose the one that's best suited for the products you sell.
. You need to sell products that people actually want to buy.
. You need to have a steady source of products and services to sell.
. You need to offer customers value for the money they give you.
. And finally, you need to know your numbers, and understand what it's going to take to make a profit.
Quite frankly, this book isn't for everyone.
If you're the kind of person who dreams about making a quick fortune selling online, you're going to be disappointed, because it doesn't work that way. If it did, everyone would be an eBay millionaire.
You're also not going like this book if you're afraid of digging in and getting your hands dirty. Online selling is a hands-on business. You're the guy (or gal). You need to be out there every day - sourcing new products, listing items for sale, packaging and mailing what you've sold. You need to answer emails around the clock, put out fires (customer service issues), and keep the books. If you're not ready for all of that responsibility, this probably isn't the right book for you.
When you finish reading this book, you'll better understand
1. Which products are better suited to selling on eBay, Amazon, Etsy, and Fiverr
2. How to craft a product listing that draws attention to your product and makes people want to buy it - NOW
3. How to offer world class customer service that will keep customers coming back to you to purchase more of your products and services
4. How to use GoDaddy Bookkeeping to track your income and expenses
Most importantly, reading Sell It Online will give you the confidence you need to start and grow a successful online business.
Don't hesitate
Order your copy of this book this morning.
Start selling on line this afternoon.