1. Keeping the Child in Mind: Who is the child
2. A child-centred model
3. A child living in fear and witnessing violence: Stephen's Story: Life with a violent mother
4. The child's voice in sexual abuse. Katy's story: Learning to scream
5. A child living with parents who abuse illegal drugs: Connie's story: My dad didn't mean to kill my mum
6. Accumulative Risks: Parental Capacity: Darren's story: I'm the 'man' of the house but I am frightened and cannot look after my mum and sister
7. Women and Neglect: Christopher's story: My mother doesn't want me
8. Known to all the Agencies: Kevin, Jenny, Darren and Sarah's story: Mum and Derek said social workers would take us away to a scary place
9. Father's who Count: Seeing Men as Protective Parents: Brandon's story
10. Repositioning(s) – The Child and Social Work at the centre of Social Work Practice.
Sue Kennedy is Principal Lecturer in Social Work and Teaching Fellow at the University of Northampton.