Security and Privacy in Communication Networks: 15th Eai International Conference, Securecomm 2019, Orlando, Fl, Usa, October 23-25, 2019, Proceedings » książka
Trustless Framework for Iterative Double Auction based on Blockchain.- Towards a Multi-Chain Future of Proof-of-Space.- Secure Consistency Verification for Untrusted Cloud Storage by Public Blockchains.- 4 An Enhanced Verifiable Inter-domain Routing Protocol based on Blockchain.- Edge-Assisted CNN Inference over Encrypted Data for Internet of Things.- POKs Based Secure and Energy-Efficient Access Control for Implantable Medical Devices.- USB-Watch: A Dynamic Hardware-Assisted USB Threat Detection Framework.- Automated IoT Device Fingerprinting Through Encrypted Stream Classification.- Catching Malware.- DeepCG: Classifying Metamorphic Malware through Deep Learning of Call Graphs.- ChaffyScript: Vulnerability-Agnostic Defense of JavaScript Exploits via Memory Perturbation.- Obfusifier: Obfuscation-Resistant Android Malware Detection System.- Closing the Gap with APTs through Semantic Clusters and Automated Cybergames Machine Learning.- Stochastic ADMM Based Distributed Machine Learning with Differential Privacy.- Topology-Aware Hashing for Effective Control Flow Graph Similarity Analysis.- Trojan Attack on Deep Generative Models in Autonomous Driving.- FuncNet: A Euclidean Embedding Approach for Lightweight Cross-platform Binary Recognition Everything Traffic Security.- Towards Forward Secure Internet Traffic.- Traffic-based Automatic Detection of Browser Fingerprinting.- Measuring Tor Relay Popularity.- SoK: ATT&CK Techniques and Trends in Windows.- Malware Communicating Covertly.- Covert Channels in SDN: Leaking Out Information from Controllers to End Hosts.- Victim-Aware Adaptive Covert Channels.- Random Allocation Seed-DSSS Broadcast Communication against Jamming Attacks.- Loss-tolerant Mechanism of Message Segmentation and Reconstruction in Multi-path Communication of Anti-tracking Network.- Ticket Transparency: Accountable Single Sign-On with Privacy-Preserving Public Logs.- Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Reputation Management for Mobile Crowdsensing.- Location Privacy Issues in the OpenSky Network Crowdsourcing Platform.- Privacy-Preserving Genomic Data Publishing via Differentially-Private Suffix Tree.- Deep Analytics.- TL;DR Hazard: A Comprehensive Study of Levelsquatting Scams.- Account Lockouts: Characterizing and Preventing Account Denial-of-Service Attacks.- Application Transiency: Towards a Fair Trade of Personal Information for Application Services.