1. Prospects of environmentally friendly farms for food security in hot and dry coastal areas based on seawater irrigation and waste products – An inspirational proposal.- 2. Halophytic life in Brazilian salt flats: Biodiversity, uses and threats.- 3. Physiological ecology of psammophytic and halophytic plant species from coastal plains in northern South America.- 4. Morphophysiology and biochemistry of Prosopis strombulifera under salinity. Are halophytes tolerant to all salts?.- 5. A review of the North American halophyte Suaeda linearis (Ell.) Moq.- 6. Assessing seeds germination responses of Great Basin halophytes to various exogenous chemical treatments under saline conditions.- 7. Assessing seeds germination responses of Great Basin halophytes to various exogenous chemical treatments under saline conditions.- 8. THE IMPACT OF LAKE BONNEVILLE AND LAKE LAHONTAN ON THE HALOPHYTES OF THE GREAT BASIN.- 9. Halophytic flora of Argentina: A checklist and an analysis of its diversity.- 10. Coastal environments in the Bahía Blanca Estuary, Argentina.- 11. Sarcocornia magellanica (Phil.) M. A. Alonso & M. B. Crespo: A halophyte native of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina) irrigated with sea water for human consumption and production of sheep meat.- 12. Design concept of a reverse osmosis reject irrigated landscape: Connecting source to sabkha.- 13. The seed bank of a hypersaline shrub community in the Bahamas.- 14. Salt contaminated water phytotreatment by constructed wetland.- 15. Agriculture and sheep production on Patagonian sabkas with Sarcocornia neei, irrigated with sea water (Chubut - Argentina).- 16. Germination and growth of Panicum virgatum in nacl gradient: Potential for restoration and biofuel production.- 17. Floristic diversity of halophytic plants of Mexico.- 18. Soil-plant relationships in the sabhkas of America.- 19. Effects of competition, salinity and disturbance on the growth of Poa pratensis (Kentucky Bluegrass) and Puccinellia nuttalliana (Nuttall's Alkaligrass).- 20. Ecophysiology of native species from Patagonian Monte, Argentina.- 21. Distichlis palmeri: An endemic grass in the coastal sabkhas of the northern Gulf of California and a potential new grain crop for saltwater agriculture.- 22. Effect by plant growth promoting bacteria (Azospirillum halopraeferens and Klebsiella pneumoniae) on lipid value in seeds of the halophyte Salicornia bigelovii Torr.- 23. Germination Factors and Influences on Button-wood, Conocarpus erectus, Combretaceae.- 24. Plant growth promoting Rhizobacteria associated to halophytes: Potential applications in agriculture.