A Retrospective Look at the Monitoring and Checking (MaC) Framework.- Introspective Environment Modeling.- Robustness of Specifications and its applications to Falsification, Parameter Mining, and Runtime Monitoring with S-TaLiRo.- On the Runtime Enforcement of Timed Properties.- Algorithms for Monitoring Hyperproperties.- Stream-based Monitors for Real-time Properties.- Accelerated Learning of Predictive Runtime Monitors for Rare Failure.- Neural Predictive Monitoring.- Comparing Controlled System Synthesis and Suppression Enforcement.- Assumption-Based Runtime Verification with Partial Observability and Resets.- Decentralized Stream Runtime Verification.- Explaining Violations of Properties in Control-Flow Temporal Logic.- FastCFI: Real-Time Control Flow Integrity using FPGA without Code Instrumentation.- An Extension of LTL with Rules and its Application to Runtime Verification.- Monitorability Over Unreliable Channels.- Runtime Verification For Timed Event Streams With Partial Information.- Shape Expressions for Specifying and Extracting Signal Features.- A Formally Verified Monitor for Metric First-Order Temporal Logic.- Efficient Detection and Quantification of Timing Leaks with Neural Networks.- Predictive Runtime Monitoring for Linear Stochastic Systems and Applications to Geofence Enforcement for UAVs.- Reactive Control Meets Runtime Verification: A Case Study of Navigation.- Overhead-aware deployment of runtime monitors.- NuRV: a nuXmv Extension for Runtime Verification.- AllenRV: an extensible monitor for multiple complex specifications with high reactivity.- Timescales: A Benchmark Generator for Metric Temporal Logic.